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Most of the rose/pink stuff is because we saw her character growth in reverse. When Steven was young he always knew rose as someone amazing and wonderful who gave life and inspiration in others. Then he started to learn who she truly was and what she has done so that’s kinda why he is a bit iffy. Because he learned about her in reverse

Lint Licker

Kimberly Brooks the VA who voices all the rose quartz’s in this episode. Also voices Jasper.

Matt R

I agree with you, but honestly the only reason i think he dislikes his mom so much is because he refuses to understand and talk about her


I think steven has well regards to his mother in terms of mothering and her as a whole. I feel like he's iffy about her because the careless way she made choices during the war/ colonization. For example, to steven he never gives up on gems, he always tries to give them another chance. However, Rose bubbled bismuth without telling her friends or attempting to rehabilitate bismuth. Steven and His mother are both good in nature, just different in how they approach them.


His mom was evil? That’s her whole arc, the fact that she used to be just as bad as the other diamonds were and changed.

Mr. Squidward

She WAS evil but she changed and she has done many bad deeds


Steven resents his mom because of all the stuff that she left him to deal with, which is understandable because it has really taken a toll on his childhood to the point where he didn't have one, but letting the negative emotions about her fester in him isn't healthy either. So I'm glad he is realizing that


She was not as bad as the other diamonds at all lmao, she never shattered a single gem. Hurt? Yes, but not shatter


My point was more that she was still an oppressive dictator. Had she not seen the beauty of earth or had her change of heart down the line she likely would have. She was just young and childish and never needed to shatter (as we know of) If she grew to the other diamonds level of maturity she may have, but thankfully she didn’t

Forever Adams

I think since Steven isn't able to talk to his mom like he was able to with other villains he can't hear her side of the story from her and understand her point of view. Everyone tells him about her the good and the bad, but every villain he has faced attacks him because of his mom. And when they explain their side to him, he understands their motives and why they feel how they feel since it's often true. So now for Steven, the image of her that he's known since he was little isn't the same, and he doesn't know how to feel about her anymore.

Diego Munguia

I think you’re absolutely right about thinking that Steven is not giving Rose enough grace but I think it’s because you’re way much more mature and better at handling that kind of situation, I think part of Steven universe future is showing us that Steven isn’t perfect and how he is flawed in some ways still, like the second episode with amethyst showed.