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This is the FULL version of the voiced remaster, from 15m to 30m long, with bonus routes, more content, and additional endings.

It has also been voiced by an actual femboy.


Stream on JOI Database. 

Download on JOI Database.


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Les’t goooo 🔥


Perfect timing!


that website lags pretty bad. Is there no other way to host the video?

spiritjoi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 16:22:05 There is a download button in the player of the website, so you can download it and play it locally.
2023-04-28 16:22:05 There is a download button in the player of the website, so you can download it and play it locally.
2023-04-28 16:22:05 There is a download button in the player of the website, so you can download it and play it locally.
2023-04-28 16:22:05 There is a download button in the player of the website, so you can download it and play it locally.
2023-04-26 00:30:03 There is a download button in the player of the website, so you can download it and play it locally.

There is a download button in the player of the website, so you can download it and play it locally.


only you to make me cum for a femboy, so good

Larry Junior

would love a sequel for alfonso :D