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Another good parent bites the dust.



Starlight 420

Don’t feel bad for this not being your hyperfixation. I am very appreciative that you are reacting to this at all. I still re-watch the first 6 episodes of owl house over and over every single night until I fall asleep for a couple of years now. Anyways, thank you so much for reacting to Vox Machina and not giving up on it thus far. I’m so excited to see you react to all the other episodes of this show. Seriously Morgan, you’re amazing! I’m loving your reactions so much and again, I can’t wait for the next reaction of this show! 😊😊😊😊

Eliška Svobodová

Honestly, at some point I've just accepted dragons hoard things because dragons have always hoarded things. In this show, the closest we've already heard as far as reasoning was that dragons are "naturally" greedy, which is a bit meh; there's some speculation that relates to later events that I won't go into but might bring up when/if you get to the episode that sparks the idea. Otherwise, honestly, I totally get losing the details in between - it's the curse of high fantasy, imo, there's just too many names and terms and things that have so little connection to our day to day that they slip away easy. You're actually doing pretty alright I think, the vestiges was like the first time the forgotten detail was kinda important xD


Speaking of Avatar, Keyleth’s mom actually has Korra’s voice actress Janet Varney


Fun fact: If I recall correctly, the ashari race was made by Matt Mercer (the dungeon master, aka the one who runs the game) because Marisha Ray (the creator and VA of Keyleth) wanted to play something like the avatar. So the air, fire, earth, and water ashari are directly inspired by Avatar!