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In todays video I will be crying over a seagull and having trust issues left and right.




YOU DIDNT SEE THE FEET TOUCHING IN THE END NOOOO :DDD YOU NEED TO SEE THE FEEETTTTT - Anyways, loved your reaction. Hyped for the next one already <2

T. Reed

Great reaction! Calico Jack, what a dick. Did you catch the foot touch right at the very end? Excited for you to see Ep 9 -- you are going to combust. :D

Kirsten Bailey

Go back and watch the end again and look at their feet!!!

Thaniel Grey

When you said "the positions of this mic are like snowflakes", I can't be the only person who said "they almost always end in terrible bloodshed." Haha!


Literally came to the comments to say just that! ROFL

Joy (a.k.a. Gentle Lionheart)

Crying over a seagull is valid! Especially in this situation.. R.I.P Karl.. 😭 Also, great job catching Calico Jack's treachery from the very beginning! When I first watched the episode, I got bad vibes from him but I didn't put together that he was sent by Izzy until the big reveal.

KJ Benson

Goddd okay so when I first watched OFMD, it was the day after this episode and ep 7 had dropped. I originally thought that this was the finale of S1... then I did some Googling and found out the final two episodes were airing a week later and I went STRAIGHT into hyperfixation mode, freaking out wondering what was gonna happen lmao. I ended up staying up til 2am to watch the final two eps when they dropped. BTW just like other people are saying, go back and watch the final scene again where the camera is panning back and watch their legs/feet :)

Vex Valor

As everyone is also probably pointing out, look at their feet when they were captured! Blackbeard was trying to comfort Stede! (Also you might not have noticed, but the entire time, Calico Jack was calling Stede "Steve". Didn't even bother to get his name right.) And I think Calico Jack wasn't really counted as a friend but more of a comrad/ex-boyfriend. Ed doesn't really have friends. He has people who mutually decided with not to kill yet. Also with "didn't kill anyone", Ed is playing with words. He didn't kill those people. The fire that he set did.


I lost it when you realized you'd called it at the beginning of the episode 🤣. I also cried over Carl, he deserved so much better T_T

Starlight 420

Seagulls are still animals, any type of animal death is very sad. I definitely cried over Carl so hard, that poor baby.