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Yess I was soo waiting for this

T. Reed

This episode is such a rollercoaster! But finally, a kiss. Brace yourself for Ep 10!


Oh god. We finally got to the end of this part of the story and I don't know if I'm ready for what is to come :D


The „friend“ of the crown is Izzy

T. Reed

All the way through to the end of Season 2, really!

Emily M

Was waiting for this one 😅


Love that you watch it with your mum, i did too! She's a huge fan. Can't wait to see your reaction to ep 10 and season 2!!


I think with "friend to the crown" he was covering his ass a little cause it sounds better than "blackbeard going free is the price I agreed to to get the dude who killed my brother" - - objectively, killing blackbeard would have clearly been the better choice for the English in general. Also, it might help to understand why no one backed up Chauncey, that the two other guys were actually the hostages. The "nice" one (tall guy they kept) was clearly happy for an excuse *not* to kill Stede, the "mean" one (short guy that went to Izzy) was just super stoked to get Blackbeard which again is clearly a much higher priority...

KJ Benson

That kiss was actually a HUGE deal when S1 came out (2022, again, 1.5 years before Good Omens S2). I remember so many of us thought that they wouldn't commit to *actually* confirming that Stede and Ed had romantic feelings for each other - queerbaiting between two older male characters had been so common in the 2010s that we just didn't wanna get our hopes up. When they actually kissed, it almost didn't feel real, even with all of the evidence from previous episodes! One reason OFMD is so special to me is that they could have totally advertised the show as a queer romance, but they didn't, which allowed the romance to happen organically, and that was such a nice surprise to so many queer viewers. And despite the show not initially being advertised as a romance, Ed and Stede's love story is very much the heart of the show. So excited for you to react to the S1 finale and S2! :D


You're so lucky, I'd love to meet Vico and Samba, they seem like such sweet people and I just wanna tell Vico how much they've done for the nonbinary community. This is my favorite episode besides episode 5 of season 1, there's so much going on. Confirmation of what Ed and Stede's been feeling, the kiss, Stede going back home because of the guilt he feels for both leaving his family and thinking he's ruined Ed.

Starlight 420

I absolutely love your shirt, Morgan! May I ask, where did you buy it?? Also, amazing reaction as always!! 😊😊

Vex Valor

Pretty sure because Izzy turned in Blackbeard, they didn't care about leaving the other pirates in his care. Blackbeard is the only one they cared about and was worth the exchange.

Cezaltina Charline

Ed and Crowley are dubbed by the same voice actor in my country and sometimes when I imagine the character speak in my head I don't know wich one talk x)