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Sorry this video is a bit late. Helluva Boss dropping yesterday threw my schedule off!




OMG, Morgan has a Catra sneeze!

Joey Quixote

Webby is, hands down, my favorite of the kids. And yeah, this show is gonna throw some wild humor at you from time to time. You'll get the names in due time. The struggle will be part of the fun! 😄 Glomgold will be easy enough to remember over time. He's a fun antagonist. But if it helps: Glom = Steal So "stealing gold" is the name. And since we're back to a cartoon, the punching bag can get some use. I can't think of anyone of the particular brand of evil you typically punch, but I can think of a certain antagonist you haven't met yet who will likely earn a spot on the bag just for being his specific variety of annoying.

Anais Winter

and my fav char is still not on screen...my two fav characters.....although.....Scrooge....David Tennant is always a treat. Love that your little triumvirat reacts to stuff one after the other.....hint.....get Elijah to react to Good Omens. Unless she already watched it with Mosco. Other than that , great series....much more adult and lore heavy than expected.

Vex Valor

The Marjorie Taylor Green comment caught me offguard XD

Vex Valor

I just looked up that documentary and oh my god it's on the infamous crime that happened in my hometown XD Honestly the only note worthy thing that has ever happened there. We still sometimes bring up that crime.