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This episode was both peak emotional damage and peak clitoria!



Jeal Tar

Mel went Super Saiyan


,,I don't think I ever had to switch emotions so quickly between scenes" - My question is this, do you even remember the last 15 minutes of Good Omens? Also, we all though that Sky was an ,,illusion" by the Arcane to get Viktor to do their ,,bidding", but now I (and as I've seen online, many other) think that it wasn't the case moreover, my personal theory is this: That Sky, that discorporated (I could have used different words, but it is so fun to use this, especially since after this and the next episode I need every bit of happiness I can get) into that Arcane ,,goo" was THE Sky that died (at least a part of her), Viktor's view of her and (Most importantly) Viktor's humanity, so with her gone he basically abandent his core princibles for this ,,Glorious Evolution" of his.


My favorite episode😏

Julie Moum

49:00 into this: First time I watched this episode, I was like, "I know two YouTubers who are gonna react differently to this scene🤭. One of them is probably gonna love it😍, and even have a 🏳️‍🌈gay-moment🏳️‍🌈 over it, and the other is gonna be uncomfortable with it😳!" I knew you'd be uncomfortable with this Morgan🤣🫂💜


Oh I can already see her having a very heavy dose of gay-panic over the jail cell scene and possibly will be pausing a LOT during the ,,Art" scenes.

Julie Moum

We know it🫰🏼✨️ Elijah will freak out when she sees Mal's new golden design, and most DEFINITELY have a 🏳️‍🌈gay-moment🏳️‍🌈 or three🤭🤣


And that scene was the “tamed” version


Isn’t this episode…….fantastic😏 Honestly jinx basically telling Vi to be selfish for once and then making the decision to walk away and then Viktor is just hmmm

Julie Moum

Follow up to my previous comment: I've seen the finale, since your last reaction. Oh boy, we're in for a wild ride of emotions. I can tell you this, someone dies. And not just 1, but more!


I think the big things that happened ,,didn't really happened", that isn't just my copium to ignore that roller-coaster of a finale (I think at least it isn't), but there are accual evidence to support to some degree (maybe?).


Oh my goooooodness this episode! …She ate her cupcake. 🧁


The gold was always imbedded into her skin, this just added more


Downside for some ace people: the sex scene, upside? Vi’s tattoo

Liam Gradwell

Bravo for watching it Morgan. I knew that “fantastic” scene would overwhelm you. Because it was too steamy for me. And the fact that this wasn’t even the original version that was “tamed down”. I both do and do not want to know what Amanda’s original version was. 🤣🌈🧁


I think when it was asked who decides who gets a second chance is when caitlyn decided to let Jinx go. When she said there won't be a trial that is what she meant. Still needed to talk to her because of everything