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Heeeey guys. I uploaded my entirety of Mamako animation. turns out its 69 different animations...   e_e

Anyway im sorry i don't have anything new today. I was busy fixing my fanbox page.

Withing the next days i will be uploading the rest of my animations. Asuna, Raiden, etc...

So Thank you for your patience <3

(Also i uploaded my folder as it was, so apologies if its a bit messy)

(If you have any problem, Please message me or write a comment)

やあ、皆さん。真々子のアニメーションを全部アップロードしました。 69 種類のアニメーションがあることが判明... e_e



ご辛抱いただきありがとうございます <3




8.63 GB folder on MEGA

761 files and 94 subfolders


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