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Thanks guys!  It's my first month doing this, I'll give it a few days for payments to clear, then mail out prints to everyone who pledged $15 and up.  Please make sure your mailing address is current!



hello Greetings my name is Angeline please contact me at my email.((Angeline-Blaise@hotmail.com ))


Mr Krow are you going to announce which will be the prints of the month?


Yesyes! Enquiring minds want to know! (And those of us who may want to try and find a way to increase their patronage. : ) )


I'm debating... I really like that last panel of 90's Spinny asking, "Are we just characters in a comic book?" I might blow that up for the next print.


It seems the post office didn't pick up the posters last Friday as planned, but they should be going out today.