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Greta would give the best cuddles ;)



Jason Moon

How much of that afterglow is superpowers?

David Johnson

How are these supervillains so sweet?


I don't really consider them villains. they never really seem to do anything I would have considered villinous or evil. nice to see the doc being more human then acting like a vulcan


I think they're pretty much the definition of rogues. They break the law, but they have a code, a reason for what they do, and lines that they won't cross.


They have their own code. They've adopted the title 'supervillain' since that's what society calls them.

Paul Neff

Outlaw and bad person are not equal to each other. They do their share of good things by illegal means.

Johnny Charneca

Come on! When is the wedding? I want these two to get married!!!!


Greta would definitely give the best cuddles. With curves and bod like that, she's definitely a cuddler. Dr. U is very lucky to be with her.


Did I miss something? I can't find pages 13 and 14


Looking forward to their wedding pictures.