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Go Omelord!





David Johnson

Six hands would be SO HELPFUL for making breakfast

Johnny Charneca

D'aww, this has got to be the cutest things I've read this month. Keep it up! :D

Grayson A Judd

I am so jealous right now. Of Spinny's six hands and of both of them for having such a wonderful/beautiful partners/girlfriends.


Aww, this is too wonderful. But MM is right, coffee is always first.

Akashimo Hakubi

Spinny just so cute, doing the button down shirt look yeeeee


I for one, welcome our new Omelord

Jason Moon

Have an omelet from the Omelord... .. and then get OmeLAID... ;) Love Spinny's 'no bra in the morning' mentality!

Hans Niemand

Mmmm. seafood omelet, in Ohio, no less. Good times!