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If you are a $5 supporter, Feel free to ask your questions in the comments of *this post*. They will (hopefully) be answered by the end of the month in an unlocked video. If you are a $10+ patron, just ask in the Patronage Chat on Telegram, thanks.



Aloha, this is Todd from Maui, Hawaii. I have the Tungsten on order and am wondering based on your most recent experience what currently sold amps and DACs would likely pair really well with it. My affordable short list is the FiiO K-11 R2R version, but is it worth getting the amp/DAC just for the headphones? My less affordable short list is the Sparkos Gemini amp paired with a Geshelli DAC with the upgraded Sparkos SS2590 op amp stack. Thoughts on either of these? Better ideas for affordable, less affordable, end game maybe $3K limit? Thank you so much.


Hi Zeos! I am going to my first audio show this spring at axpona, and I have some questions about your experiences with audio shows. My question is a 3-parter: First, how much stuff do I really need? I would like to carry as little as possible, but is the absolute mess of adapters you showed off in your video for canjam nyc 2024 necessary in order for me to test all the headphones and IEMs that I would like to test at the show? Second, should I bring my own music? I don't have a dedicated DAP, but I do have a phone and hopefully soon a dongle to drive things - should I trust the people at the booths that know about audio to provide music that fully utilizes the capabilities of the hardware, or is having music that you are familiar with more important? Lastly, I see people mention in various threads online that bringing your own ear tips is important. However, I've also heard that booths will provide temporary ones for you. Which of these is more often the case in your experience, and if you need to bring your own, do you have any recommendations for where can I get a set that covers most nozzle sizes? (if one set isn't enough for this, recommendations for a couple sets would also be appreciated!) Thanks for sparking my interest in this hobby, I can already feel my money disappearing! (wait, is this guy robbing me?)


Topping B200 review when?

frank pereyda

Any opinion on the hedd2 gt set?