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Hello Flufferschnoots. I am sad to report that my YouTube channel has been deleted and the videos with it are gone.

I was cautioned by YouTube in June for racy content. They had me take a quiz and dialed it back. Not far enough it seems because they deleted the channel anyway.

I suspect this ban was belated or maybe they didn't like the Good Boy/Girl content. I agree that for someone unfamiliar with ASMR, this content may sound adult-y. But it's not.

It's grossly hypocritical if they do consider my content (and voice?) sexual considering the rampant ear-licking and obviously suggestive thumbnails going around.

A lot of my audio content is available here on Patreon. I'm still formulating a plan for OpenEgee but for now he is gone.

Sorry about all of this, Flufferschnoots. You don't deserve this. 💙




and you don't deserve this either! the rules they enforce nowadays are so off and inconsistent :/ the content you make is unlike any other, don't let them discourage you, hang in there 🤍


youtube is awful, i hope things get better and you push past this :)


I don't even know what to say! Nothing on your channel was especially sexual, especially not when compared to certain other channels! I'm so sorry this happened egee! I really hope you find a way to share your library of videos again though because there are many I loved re-watching!


That's ridiculous. Your channel was completely safe. Hope you're doing well and hope you find an avenue that works for you. All the best.

Astral Tempest

ah once again youtube shows its bias and ridiculously vague policy enforcement nonsense. Lord, I'll be glad once there's an alternative. Hope you get this worked out soon :s


The bias is what really gets me. I feel like I was following what I saw others doing. I guess it's like the "speeding" defense.. "I was just going as fast as the others!!" and that doesn't work either haha


Makes me worry alot for other creators. The initial warning was back in June and I'm sure this ban was related to that, if only a "strike 1" thing. Nobody really knows what YouTube thinks of their channel until it's too late...