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DuckTales on NES was one of the first games I remember playing and it's still the game that comes to mind when I think a great retro platformer.

Is DuckTales perfect? No. But it's damn close! And it's very simple which makes it the ideal candidate to make a prototype from.

My goal is to remake the Amazon level from DuckTales in Godot. I figure if I can do that, I can definitely create an original game for Egee.

This week, I took the prototype further and created a tileset using blocks from the Amazon stage. I've never done anything remotely pixel art related and this was more difficult than I expected. Once I figured out the proper dimensions, it all came together.

Creating the collision for the grass texture is was super interesting because Scrooge's foot actually clips through the top of the tile which adds depth because he's actually stepping on the grass. Very clever!

Doing all of this made me realize that Godot is for sure the best choice for this. Some of the small changes were very nuanced and would have taken me hours to figure out with something like Panda3D.

Godot's documentation is solid and there's a huge user base so lots of common questions have already been asked & answered.

The the holiday breaks coming up, I could probably have a fully functional prototype of the Amazon level by the end of the year!



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