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Ages ago, I had a YouTube channel & website called BriansProjects. Both are long gone now, but the name lived on as BriansAdventures.

I've been thinking a lot about YouTube and the channels I have, and I simply don't have the time to spend on tons of different projects.

I produced this video last year with the naive idea that I would get back into making car videos. But lately, I've been asking myself: "Do I really want to work on cars anymore?"

The answer is No.

I used to be really big into working on cars. And not just the engine stuff but also DYI fuel injection. It was super complicated but super fun. That was before I had a YouTube community, a following, family, etc.

I was like 23 years old when I made this video. That feels so long ago now!

I've worked on cars since then but honestly, the projects always kind of sucked. They are expensive, dangerous, and ultimately not fun. Like this later Porsche 924 project. I spent tons of time and money on it only to find out that the transmission was shot.

I called the channel/website "BriansProjects" because I did many different things on it. I worked on cars but also motorcycles and briefly did riding vlogs. I seemingly lost most of my riding videos, but the quality was terrible, so oh well.

Another thing I did was modify guitars! I don't talk about this much, but I was super into modifying and building guitars for a while. Yet another thing I have no interest in doing today.

Now that Egee is a firmly established thing, I want to just focus on making content.

Egee wants to play guitars. Egee wants to ride motorcycles. Egee basically just wants to have a good time doing videos.

I have the Floofy channel, which is kinda sorta the spiritual-spiritual successor to the BriansAdventures channel but without the Brian part. That's where the guitar playing & motorcycle riding will happen.

So yeah - as I finish this post, I'm mentally closing out the BriansAdventures/Projects chapter of my life. It's a little bit sad but empowering at the same time. The following chapters will be much better anyway.


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