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I'm pleased to finally release the beta for Egee's Sandbox on Itch! I'll write up a Devlog this weekend for it but I'm happy where it's at for now.

Check it out here -> https://egeexyz.itch.io/egees-sandbox 

Egee's Sandbox serves two purposes. First is to teach me a thing or two about game development. Second is to be a recent project on my resume.

Speaking of resume stuff.. The job search is going very poorly. I was initially optimistic but not now. That's partially why I've been a bit on the quiet side this week; job hunting. Probably not next week though.

But enough about that. Egee Sandbox is in a decent-enough place for me to say "Look I did a thing" so now I can move onto the next project.

Which means a Dating Sim could be a thing in the near future! 😉




Literally me after cleaning my non running cars to feel productive


Dating sim idea on the drawing board yet? 📞🗿