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It was really hot outside so I commissioned a piece of Egee taking a skinny dipping at a quiet swimming hole.

By the way, really hot means close to 50c. It was unpleasant and unprecedented.

The original idea was to use a floating beach ball to cover is junk from prying eyes but we ended up doing the cheeky leaf falling thing, which I think is great.

Believe it or not, this was the very first NSFW commish for Egee. It didn't occur to me that the artist would need a reference for his naughty bits so I had an internal freak out when he asked haha.

I commished this in summer of 2021 so it uses Egee's former color pattern and it still looks great. I quite enjoy tasteful nsfw and I think this piece checks all of the right boxes. 💯




Lessgooo!! Wasn’t expecting such spicy this early 🥵 Love the art style!


I love the style and the Naturalistic Egee.


Ohhh this is actually really nice! I love the idea of the falling leaf lol


Oooh, looks great! Id love to see Egee drawn up more, it's super cute. And the NSFW is super fun too.


Oh that's cute, I wanna hug em

Benz (Bjöwa)

Woah!! I wasn't expecting this, I really love the art style and egee's so cute aaaa