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このままではいけないなと思って、リクエストはしばらく保留にして、久しぶりに私の好きなシリーズを作業してみたいなと思いました。 いろいろな候補がありましたが、今度はNIKKEを作業することになりそうです!

ここで本論ですが、今回は一味違う字幕やセリフを入れるのもいいのではないかと思いました。 ただ、何人かの方はご存知だと思いますが、私は日本人ではないので方法もよく分からないし、セリフもぎこちない可能性が高いです。 ということで、私の代わりにエロチックに字幕をつけてくれる方を募集します!


1. 関連作業をしたことがある方

2. 同人誌マニア、R-18漫画やCG集をよく読んでいて頭の中にビッグデータができた方

3. NIKKEキャラクターたちの性格、ストーリーをよく理解している方

度になりますね。 報酬が気になる方は個人メッセージを送っていただければ詳しくお答えします。 かなり複雑な作業なので、失敗に終わる可能性も高そうですね。計画がうまく進んで反応が良ければ英語テキスト翻訳本も用意します。興味がある方はメッセージをお願いします!ありがとうございます!

Hello, everyone!

I've been feeling so tired from work lately that my motivation is getting less and less. 😢

I thought it wouldn't work like this, so I put the request on hold for a while and thought I'd like to work on my favorite series. There were a lot of candidates, but I think I'll be working on NIKKE this time!

Now, let's get to the point, I thought it would be nice to add a speech bubble or script this time. But As you may know, I'm not Japanese, so I don't know how and the lines are likely to be awkward. So, I'm looking for someone to write a caption for me!

The approximate preferential conditions are

1. If you've done anything related

2. doujinshi Mania, Someone who is familiar with the character's lines and speech balloons

3. Anyone who understands the characteristics and stories of NIKKE characters well

That's about it. If you're curious about the payoff, please send me a personal message and I'll get back to you in detail. It's a pretty complicated task, so there's a high chance it'll end up in failure. In that case, it'll be released as an illustration CG as always. Of course, if the response is good, I will also add an English text. Send me a message if you're interested! Thank you!


Myst Jellal

I am excited to see your Nikke art! I also hope you are able to get some good rest!


Best of luck mate, hope you get a good rest soon. Very excited to see some Nikke art! been playing it for quite some time and it has so many fun and lovely girls!


Thank you for all your wonderful illustrations! Thank you for your always wonderful illustrations in the midst of difficult circumstances! Because I am a fan of kospeko's work, I am glad that you continue your activities for a long time. I hope you can continue your activities without straining yourself, putting yourself first and foremost. I look forward to your next update!

Brayan javier Huertas moreno

In my case, I think that what you are trying to do would be a very good idea. The NIKKE characters are great and some have very deep stories but they will fit very well into your art.


Would love to see Scarlet(black shadow) and red hood! Those two have amazing character and story


Looking really forward to the Nikke series. Just don't forget to take a break if you need one.


I don't know much about Nikke characters but I'm still looking forward to it. Also take care of yourself. Nothing is above your own health after all