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And another new character before the year is up! Someone completely fresh this time, say hello to Giselle <3

A paeran, half-chiiname and half-tsubashii (long-tongued and with beast-like aspects), in her case it seems that she's got some elements akin to a giraffe in at least her tongue. A tongue she loves to make use of; long and limber, she enjoys licking food and tiny people alike out of hard-to-reach places, even if sometimes it would be just as easy to use her fingers instead. Where's the fun in that~?

A playful, even a bit mischievous nature, though she's a pretty calm and casual individual otherwise. When she's not wriggling her huge tongue down into tall glasses or fishing around inside cookie jars, she likes just hanging around town, visiting shops, sampling food, seeing what all the fun humans are up to in their day-to-day lives. She's just always on the lookout for opportunities to make use of that limber tongue of hers and collect some tiny folk when she spots them, you can never have too many tinies around for later... (her eating them is optional, but it's usually her that gets to decide that :D)



Solace Chaostra

Seems similar to a younger Dolly Parton to me :P