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First time listening to NCT FULL ALBUM!

We loved listening to their work on this album, as it was our first time listening to an NCT DREAM Full Album, we were impressed by the group's versatility and talent.

PLEASE let us know your favorite song from the album!

Smoothie Reaction is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyUmhtqTCyY&t=41s




Tysm for this reaction!


An album rec would be the Hello Future Repackage, you already checked out 4 songs off that album (Hello Future, Hot Sauce, ANL & Life is still going on.) but all the rest of the songs are just as amazinggg. If you want a shorter album, the WE GO UP one is really good, some emotional songs like Dear Dream (A song written for Mark when he left/graduated from Dream.)


A oneoff reaction idea that I think would be fun are the Candy MV (not sure if you guys have checked it out) and the Poison Track Video, which is a performance clip. They're the complete opposite of each other so I think it would be very diverse haha.

mark lee pookie

Thank you for checking it out guys! The members have participated in the songwriting and production. They said that this album is for the youth who have lost their passion and dreams. My personal favorites would absolutely be UNKNOWN and BOX. It's a message I need this time. But this album is really a no-skip, the production is crazy. Can't wait for u guys to check out their other works.

mark lee pookie

For DREAM, I recommend you guys to check out Hot Sauce the album, Glitch Mode, Beatbox Repackage, Reload EP, Candy EP, We BOOM For 127 albums, I recommend Neo Zone, 2 Baddies, Fact Check, Cherry Bomb and Limitless EP FOR WayV, I recommend to check out their latest album On My Youth, Awaken the World, Take Over the Moon EP, Phantom And for NCT as a whole, there's NCT 2018 Empathy, NCT 2020 Resonance Pt.1 and Pt2. NCT 2021 Universe, and NCT 2023 Golden Age


unknown is definitely my fav, the lyrics are exactly what i need to hear right now!! also i hope u guys can check out nct dream's killing voice


i love unknown and breathing, it would be amazing if you guys have the chance to check out their unknown stage performances and smoothie performance as well! thank u for taking ur time to react

spacerhyme alex

Dream participate a lot in this album and its reflected in the album. They also participate in their video teaser concept. If you want a lil glimpse of their participation, they put up a video regarding their meeting to choose a song they will perform together with smoothie in music shows. Its short but we can see their professional and humorous side there lol. You can search in utube 2024-01-19 NCT DREAM DREAM( )SCAPE COUPLE SONG MEETING


Would love if you reacted to NCT 127 fact check


7dream is a group that not only the title track is good, but the whole b-side is so crazy, you have to react to nct dream's other b-side songs