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James Forrest

What a great watch that was, with both of you. The first time I saw this I was genuinely stunned. At the ambition, the boldness, the scope of the story and how he had told it through the eyes of one family. Even if it had been a conventional sci-fi portraying the End of the World through the eyes of those four beautifully drawn, amazingly three dimensional characters, it would still have been nearly perfect as a movie. But what elevated it above that was that he made a movie about belief, faith and hope and perhaps even God ... that's what the film's really about, belief, faith and hope. There were a million ways to tell a story about those things but almost all of them would have come across as preachy and over the top ... but in disguising it, or marrying it might be a better term, as a sci-fi is an incredibly bold choice and even then it could have gone wrong. But he executed it magnificently. The writing is stellar. But the acting is out of this world, if you'll pardon the pun. The guts to actually frame much of the film around two little kids and find those actors capable of carrying two massive, complicated roles like that was daring beyond belief. To have found them is nearly miraculous; Bo is one of those characters who stays with you long after the movie is done. But to see another Culkin absolutely own ... that family is phenomenally talented. (If you guys haven't seen Succession, PLEASE review it and watch Kieran Culkin steal every scene, every episode; in a staggering cast which excels it is incredible how consistently he just leaves everyone else in the dust). And of course the two adult leads, Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix at the absolute top of their games ... stunning. The relationships between them all are so, so well drawn. And it's there in so many ways. There's a scene which sums up how perfectly observed the characters are; it's when Graham comes in from the cornfield where he's seen the creature for a split second in the torchbeam. if you watch what's happening in that scene, Merril is focussed on what's going on on TV. But behind him, the two kids are having a water-fight doing the dishes ... it's just so lovely a moment before things get nuts, completely uncommented on, but it shows how close they both are and gives you a sense that this is a wee self-enclosed world where it's just the four of them ... just amazing. I hadn't seen this film for years, but I really loved it the last time I saw it and so I was looking forward to this a lot. But it was so, so, so much better than I remembered it. It's a masterpiece. Thank you Denise for getting this from the wish-list onto the playlist. What a great couple of hours watching this with you guys. Such a fantastic decision, and a thrilling ride.

Raevyn McCann

The sneaky glances sideways and at the camera give me joy. This is one of my favorite movies...a comfort movie, really. So glad you enjoyed it! The acting was spot on from everyone, but especially the kids. As a side note, I keep the hope that Graham and the deputy become a thing after this story ends.


Alrighty, where to begin. First off, I have to say I absolutely love the reactions from you two. Not only are you genuine with your reactions, but you're passionate about all aspects of the films and such. Whether it's the level of acting, the behind the scenes, the scores, the design, you're both more thoughtful and passionate about the films you watch. I've always been the same way about films, especially the scores. If a movie has an amazing soundtrack I will download it. Second, Signs has been and continues to be the scariest film that both I and my wife have seen. The reason why it is for me, well seeing it when it first came out and you're 7 years old doesn't help. The darkness, the cornfield at night, the silhouette of the aliens, the sounds they make. Traumatizing as a kid, but I have watched it many times as I got older, understanding the movie more, what still gets me is the unknown factor. Like you said in the reaction, we try to rationalize things, but its hard to rationalize the unknown. And then the unknown factor of what are these creatures, and what are their intentions? It also destroys the illusion of feeling safe in your own home. My wife is terrified of this movie still, because of a traumatic experience she had as a child. Her family living next to a farm, it was after dark she saw her cat run into the cornfield. She ended up getting lost in the crops and saw a dark figure in the field. She didn't know what it was but it started moving towards her. Today she has rationalized it was either one of the farmers, or a prankster, just to ease her mind, but as a child to her it was a monster. Now as a police officer, having deal with child abduction and domestic violence cases, this movie, she sees the aliens, the silhouette's, the unknown factor, as that monster that a lot of these kids see when they deal with a traumatic experience. Which doesn't help my fear of this film haha. One question you brought up in this during the news broadcast as the family was boarding up the home. "What would the military be doing?" Which I think is an excellent question that honestly not many people really think about. Having served in both Active Army and the National Guard I can give you insight one that would be...not the definitive response. Since this is an alien invasion this is a huge what if factor. But this would actually be the most likely scenario. I'm basing this information off of the training I got for the possible scenarios of a ground invasion of the US, a Nuclear or biological attack, or collapse of government and infrastructure. Let's take the timeline into account, its 2002, not even a year after 9/11. The United States as well as the US Military would already be at a heightened level of security. Now random crop circles around not just our backyard, but the rest of the world are appearing. Intelligence communities and world leaders would be communicating trying to find out what is happening. No one will have answers which will escalate levels of security and paranoia in the public, as witnessed by Tracy in the pharmacy scene. The next thing to happen, the UFOs hovering above Mexico City. Since it's confirmed by both the US and Mexico the aircraft do not belong to either of them and they were not detected. That would most likely increase the US Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) to DEFCON 3, meaning the Air Force is ready to mobilize in 15 minutes. On top of that, Governors would be giving the order for their state's National Guard to mobilize. Some governors would be more optimistic and just have the NG on standby, while others would want to be on the safer side and do a complete activation of their state forces. Meaning all soldiers report to your unit armory ASAP and await further orders. The next day the ships are gone, but it is evident they are still there, just cloaked. That would more than likely increase the threat level readiness on US Military installations nationwide. Leadership would start making plans for possible troop deployments, which areas would need a greater response force, which unit to send, etc. Finally the catalyst, when ships start appearing in cities across the world. The US Military would know this is an invasion and move to DEFCON 2, Armed Forces ready to deploy and engage in less than six hours. All State National Guards and reserve forces would be mobilized. What would happen, is because of Posse Comitatus, Federal Troops (i.e. Active Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force) would not be able to operate in any combat capacity on American soil. UNLESS, the War Powers Act or the Insurrection Act is invoked, or Martial Law is declared. Martial Law would be the most likely route. National Guard units at their armories would remain on standby and only respond within their range of operation, meaning the town or county they're located in unless orders from Higher say otherwise. Commanders at the armories would be coordinating with local first responders to set up a staging area for response to the situation. I honestly can't speculate what the Air Force would be ordered to do since this is WELL outside the parameters of my knowledge/training. In all likelihood, they would probably be ordered to fire on the UFOs once it's acknowledged that the aliens are on ground and people are dying, but I genuinely can't think of an outcome. Let's go to the scene where the TV is now showing no signal, meaning all broadcasts have ceased. Does this apply to both, civilian and military? If it's just TVs, phone lines, radios, then the Armed Forces can still coordinate and strategize. But let's just imagine the worst case scenario. A complete breakdown of communication. In this situation, the military would continue to follow the last order given to them. Whether it was issued by STRATCOM, the Commander in Chief, the State Governor, doesn't matter. Whoever the highest ranking officer was that issued the order before all communication ceased; continue to follow that order until communication is reestablished, until another higher level of authority takes command, or until death. National Guardsmen will have established a command center and staging area with first responders in their A.O. (Area of Operations) and it will be up to unit commanders to decide what to do. Do they send teams out to secure and establish checkpoints in different areas of towns and cities. Do they hold their position, do they go house to house and evacuate. At that point it's an individual command decision. In the aftermath, since we see they leave, Martial Law would definitely be in full effect. Military and PD would be going from building to building, house to house, searching for both survivors and any aliens that were left behind. Again, I'm basing this off of what I was trained and WOW I typed a lot. I am so sorry. I got a little passionate about the subject. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie, I enjoyed another reaction and I look forward to seeing more with you 2. If you're interested in another great movie with Joaquin Phoenix, might I suggest Ladder 49? With that and my tangent (again I'm sorry about that) I wish the both of you an awesome weekend.

James Forrest

Stupendous comment :) I love how many smart people are on here posting passionately on these movies :)


so fun!!


Thank you for sharing your insight! It's always a joy to read. Absolutely! M Night has such a graceful way of weaving in themes that ground the story in such a natural way no matter how bonkers the movie can actually get. The characters feel real, the circumstances and dialogue develop naturally and the narrative progresses flawlessly. Glad to hear you enjoyed this. I truly had a blast and I'm glad Denise and you guys put this on my radar.


You've got great taste! Thank you for watching this with us. This movie had everything I look for in a story. The narrative is gripping from the get go, the characters are written phenomenally and the way the story develops and concludes is just great! It's so hard to stick the landing sometimes. You can have an amazing movie and then mess it up towards the end. And this one could've easily fallen for that trap that many other films fall for but instead M Night takes a fully grounded approach to his conflict making the film not only feel more tense but also more rewarding when the story concludes. I definitely enjoyed it and I'm adding it to my list of rewatchables!


What a fantastic comment! Man...this is why I love you guys. Thank you for sharing all of this information. It is a fantastic read. And not only that! A great source of information for our future reference. It's good to know that the military would be all hands on deck in a situation like this until the very end. Hopefully all of us collectively could figure out a solution before extinction. And...hopefully the solution is as simple as water if we ever get mean green aliens in our backyard 😂 Thank you for watching this with us and for the incredible compliment. We love sharing with you guys and hearing how much you are enjoying it truly makes our day. And thank you for taking the time to write such a detail description of how things would go down should this situation present itself. You're awesome!

Joey Cintron

OK, OK so I'm seeing the trend here.... When Denise has seen a movie Ari hasn't her side-eye game is on fire!!! She loves seeing Ari's reactions! lol


She's been waiting for me to watch this one for such a long time! And for good reason. This is exactly my kind of flick!

Tatiana Ferreira

I saw this movie in theatres with my sister. I was a teen, but I already loved Mr Shyamalan's movies. This one will be forever close to my heart. And the soundtrack is iconic! ❤️ Jump scares can be essential to some movie when done right. This movie proved it. Ari's scare jumpes were priceless. 😂👌

Joey Cintron

You two should watch The Village (2004 ) by M. Night Shyamalan. One of my top 3 films of his. Also check out Devil (2010) by director John Erick Dowdle. You will NOT be sorry. lol

Donna Castellano

I can't wait for you to react to The Village. I thought I had that one figured out but... I know that's where people say M Night starts to decline but I enjoyed it. I believe Unbreakable is next on the list tho. I didn't like that as much because I had the end spoiled for me before I had a chance to see it. I skipped it in the theaters because of it.


Been hearing lot's about that one! You guys have not missed so far and there's always been something we've enjoyed from all of these suggestions. "The Village" is on our list!