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300 (2006) Movie Reaction (YouTube)



When the Spartans are walking towards them and the rock music kicks in, man do i get chills 😂🎉

James Briscoe

Love you guys! Two films you gotta watch: The Untouchables & The Last of the Mohicans.

Lord Crispen

I was soooooo glad I bought and read my hardcover copy of the graphic novel before watching the movie. Seeing them translate some of the frames and visuals pretty damn well in movie form. I appreciate the differences they made for the adaptations, but so many of the "this looks like a painting" moments are straight from the panels of the 'comic book'. It's fantastic.


Yeah! It’s great that Zack Snyder always seems to pay homage to the actual art used in the graphic novels. There are certain shots in Man Of Steel and BVS that are straight from the comics and graphic novels and seeing them translated to live action is always awesome 😃