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Hey everyone!

The TAEMIN/KARD stream is TODAY! 4:30pm (GMT+1) on KRossReacts - Twitch. This will be the order of the stream:

KARD - 'Where To Now? (Part.1 : Yellow Light)' (ULTIMATE KARD RANKING EPISODES LIVE)

Taemin - 'ETERNAL'

Specific Requests - SHINee and KARD Specific Requests (ONLY) will be LIVE and not pre-requested. 30 requests limit maximum for the stream. Please read guidelines below for requesting:

Requests are £5 as usual (10 minutes or under). Please only bulk request (2-3 in a row) ONCE. You can still request afterwards, just please do one at a time :)

See you there!

Much Love,




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