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Hey guys! So my fam has been going through the flu over the last week or so. It hit everyone except me.....

Until now.

I'm going to still have to film over the rest of the week (have 3 album party requests left and I have friday, saturday and sunday URS episodes to do). So what I'm going to do is just take it 'easier' over the next few days (with filming in particular). Doing shorter recording sessions will help, I think. Didn't last too many days with the rest of the family so fingers crossed will be the same for me.

So yeah this does postpone things a bit. HOWEVER. There will still be content over the rest of the week....I'm sure you can figure out what I'm chatting about.

literal cough stream drops literal cough

Much Love,

Ross x



4Lilnoles 엑소

How you get well soon Ross. Take care

Brittany zombhuntr

Feel better Ross! Take care of your health first!!