Yeah…won’t film til I feel a bit better folks. (Patreon)
Hey folks! I’m not the update at every little thing guy. But I was actually going to film today originally, I’m not well enough though. So please have a scan below. Hopefully I’m right in a couple of days. (I will still be editing and there may be some uploads…)
(Borrowed from my YouTube community post)
Hey guys! I’m currently not well, on day 2 of a pretty rough flu. Trust me when I say, if I could film, I would. But it’s not for the best. So I won’t be filming any new videos til I feel a bit better (hopefully will only be a few days).
There will still be videos up (I have a back log of hundreds of videos from my Early Access vault on my Patreon). But I wasn’t able to film episodes for the following ULTIMATE RANKING SERIES before I got iil:
Red Velvet
So these episodes will be postponed until I can film and post them. Thanks for your patience. Like I said, hopefully this won’t last long and there will still be videos up :thumbsup::heart:
Much Love,
Ross x