Hey guys!
Wish I had better news. So today was supposed to be the test with the range extender for my Wi-Fi. And man, technology is not a fan of me currently because we can’t even get to that stage. My Wi-Fi broadband router’s WPS is not showing. I need it to connect the router to the extender and then move the extender to the place it needs to be.
That was supposed to be the easy bit of today. And not even that is working. Interestingly enough, my internet is working fine for everyone in the house. And yet the wireless and wps lights are completely off. I’m going to be calling/chatting to my broadband company tomorrow morning, just to basically see a wps light. I have tried the many different ways to turn on the wps light btw. (The wps light is needed to connect the router and extender) I’ve tried to connect to Netgear, which is an app to remotely control your router. That won’t connect either.
I was ready to troubleshoot today but to not even be able to connect the router to the extender (the first stage) is INSANELY frustrating. So we’ve gone from solving the lip sync issue to noticing the awful internet connection to forking nearly 100 quid on an extender to now not being able to simply connect it because my broadband router itself is faulty. Just done for today tbh.
I will say. Sadly at this stage. I’m going to have cancel Friday as a stream. Saturday and Sunday is still alive for now. But for those to be on, this all HAS to be solved by tomorrow.
I'll be calling the broadband company tomorrow so I can access my router and get that WPS going. Tomorrow IF and WHEN I am test streaming, I will be doing the remaining episodes of each Ranking for the rest of the week (9 episodes). After that I will be doing requests. Again, IF I can finally test that extender!
Will keep you updated,
Much Love,
Ross x