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Hey folks!

The Halloween Stream was a BLAST! Thank you all so much for being there and for those who donated/requested :D 

RANKING TIERS OPEN - EVERY ranking tier is open! LIMITED SPACES! Message me what ranking series you want me to do when you have. You will notice a price increase in the ranking tiers, I was advised to do this from alot of you because of the work and time I put into the different series and I really appreciate your honesty! :D

ALBUM LISTENING PARTY TIER - A BRAND NEW TIER. This will be for the non-ultimate ranking series I'm doing! So for example, a TWICE album listen, a IU album listen, a KEY album listen etc. The album listen will be done in one video!

Much Love,





Unfortunately I missed the stream, 12 hour night shift’s this week (6 till 6), hopefully will be able to catch the next one ☝️

Kara Iblis

Ya, I was as at work too, hopefully it got recorded and will be posted so we can catch up


I'm sensing a pattern... 😜 I think I was asleep in Seoul when you went live (and I'm not sure I have Twitch on my tablet anyway). Looking forward to hopefully catching the next one!


With the ranking already requested and going Im comfortable in "tour" tier. And yes Halloween was blast!

Guillaume Siméon (Latverius)

Real good first live, i had an amazing time and discovered some great groups (Pixy definitely left me speechless). I think i'm going to upgrade to Album tier, i have some nice albums in mind for you. ^^