Hey guys!
Yes it's another update, apologies haha.
So as you may know, I've changed the way I do things recently with bigger SD card and multiple batteries. It means more filming, which is wonderful, I've found ways to do somethings faster which is great, but some things in the process still take A WHILE to do. So I'm still learning and thanks for your patience. I'll get there and get the routine down.
Reason I'm saying this is because the next DROP will be tomorrow afternoon/evening. Just to manage expectations, not ALL the remaining requests are done yet. Including the drop earlier today, there are about 100 odd requests to do (these DON'T include the XMAS requests I will be doing next week). Will try and do as many this weekend as I can but there may be some that get pushed a week or two. Don't worry they will be done.
Also you may notice that I'm doing some of your requests and not all, don't worry, I will be going back to the remaining ones, I just want to get as many requests to as many of you as I can, as fast as I can :)
Thanks for your patience and understanding, folks!
Much Love,
Ross x