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Kara Iblis

This group is part of NCT, they are the Chinese subunit of NCT, like New Team is the Japanese unit and 127 is the Seoul unit. Love Talk was such an anthem for foreign fans of all groups when it dropped! Not to mention the visuals sent us feral.


EXO #1 NCT/WayV #2 Long story short, NCT are basically EXO little brothers for a ton of reasons. Love all the guys.


Thanks for your reaction :) yes you recognised the 'blond lad' correctly in the 2nd song (Xiaojun). I practically had~ to request Love Talk since it got a bit viral as 'the engl sexy song' haha, but personally I prefer Turn Back Time too, they have similar title tracks with guitar/or considering the song structur, but also try totally different genres, the most recent CB On My Youth is a bit more on the emotional side :)


WayV is my favorite subunit of NCT. I love both songs but for love talk I prefer the chinese version 🫶