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Hey everyone!

This week has been eventful! I met and saw ROLLING QUARTZ live (will be a video of the experience up late next week), lots of videos. This next week, is even busier! haha. So here's the plan this week:

EVERGLOW - I'm seeing EVERGLOW live on Tuesday and will be meeting them too! (madness!) Obviously this will mean there won't be any new videos on TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY (I'm arriving back home on Wednesday night). Like with Rolling Quartz, I will be doing a video on that experience too!

(EDITED) ALBUM LISTENING PARTIES - Thanks for your patience with the Album Listening Parties, folks. I've had to sort some stuff out this weekend, haven't been able to do videos like normal. The Album Parties I was going to do this week are being moved to ACROSS THIS WEEK. If you don't see your album party requests in the drop tomorrow (I'm going off the old list, not the new request form for now), please message me after the drop :)

THIS WEEK'S PLANS - So like I said, tomorrow will be JUST an ALBUM LISTENING PARTY drop. Then TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, there will be no new content. THURSDAY I will be filming some ALBUM LISTENING PARTIES, NON-RANKING REGULARS and LONGER REQUESTS, there will then be a drop on FRIDAY. I have a funeral on SATURDAY where I will also be a pallbearer, so there won't be any new videos on that day. SUNDAY will be up in the air, but I'll keep you guys updated. So, only one BIG drop this week, unlike normal, but as you can see it's a VERY busy week. 

REQUEST FORM REQUESTS - So just to clear something with the Form Requests so far, I'm still working off the old request document BUT we are NEARLY there when it comes to finishing it. Then I will obviously be working my way through the request forms/lists by order of DATE, and that's the way it will be from then on :)

Hope you guys have an awesome week!

Much Love,

Ross x



Guillaume Siméon (Latverius)

Crazy weeks indeed ! I'm excited for you to be rid of the old request document and get more time with the new system. And have a good time with Everglow !!!

4Lilnoles 엑소

Sorry to hear about your friend/family member. Hope all is well with their family.