Updates to Member Benefits! (Patreon)
2024-03-13 08:05:43
I've added a new perk to ALL memberships. A personal User Decal! This Decal will be showcased on my personal Vehicle in The Fast & The Furriest as a lil' sticker on the side! The Designs, Font and style are all up to you. (You can also opt to NOT have this benefit if you so wish. Please Msg me here or on Discord to let me know.) There's a few more perks on the way that I feel may be just as cool, if not even better! I once again feel the need to thank everyone of you for making this 2 year project in the making at ALL possible!! <3 Stay tuned for more exclusive projects and looks at the Behind the scenes, as well as sneak peaks to the finished product ;3 (and yes, even the sus stuff)