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How about ANOTHER poll?

This one is gonna be interesting, and fun. I really crave making a more "realistic" or "Real" animation of like, a weird conversation between 2 people. I plan to voice them both, or me and someone else. Not sure yet, but my idea behind it is something similar to the Argument between Professor Psychotic and his room mate (Injecting DNA into an EGG?!?) or the weird argument between the two Brain cell, thingies? from inside out. The Scene where they fight over who is wearing who's hat.
Regardless if you know what scenes im talking about, The objective still stands.
I need an idea for a dispute, argument, or anything Relatable or Realistic that would fit in conversation between two characters. 

Comment your ideas on this post. Anything silly will work too! given a few days, if I still can't grasp much of anything, I'll resort to making a post on my YouTube or Tik Tok calling for ideas and possible Cameos too!

P.S if im allowed, I will mention your name/username in the video if the idea works out!



Soup store


May not be too appropriate, but the scene from Wolf of Wall Street where they talk about hiring the little people would be hilarious 🤣


Should fruit be on pizza?

Astera the Fox

Discussing if water is wet

Cobra Witch

Why the geneva convention is a bad idea


Friends scene, Ross's sandwich...


Friends argue in a diner about who their waitress likes more because one of them got an extra pickle in their burger or something idk

Operator Baron

Friends arguing over how to say "caramel" and the video ends with a heated argument where everyone is yelling at each other before it cuts to black


Is pineapple on pizza valid?