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I'm at a point right now where I just can't keep up with my personal work. Which, is normal according to several artists I've gotten in touch with. College demands ALOT of attention, its like a baby. Ya got to be there for it like every damn day.
Regardless, I'll still be posting. I actually am going to begin transitioning to YouTube instead of Tik Tok now because it gives me a chance to try and grow all over again which I'd hope will encourage me to work harder. But also because most of my audience is going to disappear once Tik Tok gets banned in a few months. I'm still unsure if this is for real this time but, better safe than sorry.

Lastly, I apologize if I'm not active enough for you guys. I want to be able to make time for this as my Job, as well as study in College. It's beginning to seem that it's just not possible but I'm going to keep trying! I love what I do, but if I must throw in the towel. Then it is what it is.
All in all, I love you all so much. It's been a blast having you all by my side. I've made promises that were a little ambitious for me. I'm still going to try my hardest to work over the problems so I can finish them and publish my beautiful work. Thank you all for sticking by me. <3


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