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I've gone through the first term of College and can now comfortably say, I knew NOTHING about 3D. While yes I knew quite a lot already, there's still so much I've barely touched. It's so refreshing to be learning new things all over again.
After my, admittedly anxiety ridden Hiatus from posting here and on Tik Tok. I'm going to be announcing some crazy news in the coming days. I'm both excited and nervous as this will be me starting a new chapter in my career.
This is not me hinting at me disappearing permanently from the social media scene. I'm just changing my workflow, and my priorities. I will continue to keep this platform updated THE MOST. Where as I may struggle elsewhere.
On a final note, big thanks to all of you guys with your continued support. I seriously can't thank you all enough! This grand adventure wouldn't have been possible without you all helping me and sticking with me through it all. My sincerest thanks and love goes out to you all 💪🧡



Cobra Witch

We are proud of you 💜

Jknight Flames

Keep achieving your goals man May god bless you

Zen 635

Let's gooo