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Hey everyone :)

This has been a highly requested scene for quite some time now! The long buried ruins of a fight to the death with this monstrous dragon. We wanted to make the dragon a little more magical and vivid than a normal fossilised skeleton. In the sunlight you'll see glittering shimmering shards emanating from every bone. Perhaps there's still magic to be harnessed here?


The music in the preview is 'The Spirit Nest' from Borough Bound!


Get this week's scenes using the links below:

Archaeological Dig - $1 Rewards

Archaeological Dig - $5 Rewards - All Variations

Archaeological Dig - $10 Rewards - Animated Scenes

Master Post - VTT Modules (These usually arrive a week or so after release)


This week's scene variations:


Archaeological Dig - Animated Scene - Czepeku

Here is our next release for Czepeku Scenes! This is the Archaeological Dig! We'll be releasing tons of variations and collaborating with different creators around the world to bring immersive, exciting splash art for your RPG games! Art and animation by Czepeku Scenes https://www.patreon.com/CzepekuScenes Music by Music d20! https://www.patreon.com/MusicD20



Looks amazing!


Love it, and all the variants fit really well into my campaign!