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Hey everyone!

Welcome to the VIP room of the Monster Hunter Restaurant. Only the truly 'elite' and 'privileged' patrons are able to dine here. Which naturally means they're villains here to witness the cruel torment of beautiful exotic animals, hunted down in their prime.

Perhaps your party will be the ones to put an end to this mad slaughter. You could pretend to be a chef or a member of waiting staff to poison the food. Or perhaps your party will come here to sell those kraken tentacles you've been saving for a special occasion to the highest bidder!

We hope you experience some fun scenario's here. Enjoy :)

We also included a variation for everybody with transparent windows so you can combine them with our other scenes to locate the restaurant wherever you like!


This week, the preview music is created by Justin from the RPG Audio Vault. He has kindly created the track 'Secret Menu' in the preview specifically for this scene! You can grab the full track over at his Patreon soon!


Get this week's scenes using the links below:

Monster Hunter Restaurant - $1 Rewards

Monster Hunter Restaurant - $5 Rewards - All Variations

Monster Hunter Restaurant - $10 Rewards - Animated Scenes

Master Post - VTT Modules (These usually arrive a week or so after release)


This week's scene variations:


Monster Hunter Restaurant - Animated Scene - Czepeku

Here is our next release for Czepeku Scenes! This is the Monster Hunter Restaurant. We'll be releasing tons of variations and collaborating with different creators around the world to bring immersive, exciting splash art for your RPG games! Art and animation by Czepeku Scenes https://www.patreon.com/CzepekuScenes Music by the RPG Audio Vault! https://www.patreon.com/rpgaudiovault/posts


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