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We cut out an explicit scene for any first time viewers, if you want to see it yourself it's about halfway through the episode.



You guys are all strange. Sorry. Just because you're paying to watch them react doesn't mean they should have to push their boundaries for you. If they felt uncomfortable and didn't want that part in at all it's their choice. Just like it was their choice to make a channel and share their reactions with you and it's your choice to be here on patreon. 30 seconds out of HOURS UPON HOURS of content is ridiculous to complain over. They are human too!!

Connor Shumaker

No way people actually care they edited out one scene 💀💀💀

Alec Antoci

I mean the scene ain’t THAT bad lmao but I’ll respect the choice

Kim555 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-16 21:48:14 I saw videos analyzing that sister sage scene with the bloody tool. Apparently it’s a lobotomy tool and it seems like she’s lobotomizing herself as a form of getting high. Cause her brain computes at the speed of light non-stop. Is it a lobotomy tool? Indeed, is it confirmed that she uses it to get high? No, it’s just a theory
2024-06-16 17:51:25


I don’t see why she would lobotomize anyone else especially knowing she has no super powers beside being the smartest person

Ezile Xozwa

Were we supposed to know that Frenchie killed Colin's family?? And what is this about them dropping the rest in July??

Matheus Eduardo Jezini

This season is like really bad. I don't know how they fucked up the writing and the characters this much lol. And all the political propaganda lol it's laughable superficial stuff and it's taking up 90% of the season so far. Rewatching the first season with you guys I just can't believe this is what the show is turning into. I'm not even a trump supporter if anyone is ready to throw knives, it's just that it all seems to be written by a 14 year old twitter girl. I'll take some good politicak commentary any day, even against my opinions, but this is not it loool


majority of people disagree with that trash ass opinion


Aw I missed the war in the comments 😞