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Thank you for launch and dinner. Also, mashallah welcome back Cannon






wow kazow with the buzzer beater. 🙏🏻


I guess I’m not sleeping tn


and we get cannon’s reaction too?!??


Crazy brotherly moment. Last time they reacted to ep 7 Carter brought up the fish and how much he liked it. Then now Cannon says the same thing at the same scene lol


for succession fans, irv’s dog is the same pup actor that plays tom and shiv’s dog mondale 🥹 buddy has quite the resume


ben stiller said he was star struck when he found out lol


OH SNAP. His dog is named Radar. His conversation with miss casey she said "Your outie loves the sound of radar" :o


Cobel sometimes gives off Makima vibes


Did you guys catch that they gave Dylan a whip with the nine precepts on it to use to tame the four tempers (represented by the dancers)? 👀

Elle B.

That finale is one of the best episodes of television I’ve ever watched!






that finale is a MASTERCLASS in building tension. holy..


Yay! Welcome back Cannon. Missed you here & AIB. Thanks for sharing your reaction, it didn't disappoint! 🤯


Yes! They were featured on the oil painting in the wellness waiting room. I believe the four tempers are also what their refining. Mark, Helly, Dylan, & Irving could also represent those tempers.


Yes, Carter called Helly's position on episode five. 🤯


Irving's innie & outie are blending into each other's lives. The black goop he sees at work is his paint. The dark corridor to the testing floor his outie shouldn't know about. The Lumon employee directory. It kind of reminds me of Petey.

Sissy Six

Carter is my goat for the end discussion there.. “I’m sick of so many goated shows getting no praise but then some of the most basic like normie stuff being so praised” but I gotta say it made me think of the Patreon polls 😂 i.e. succession vs vikings. I enjoyed vikings, I did, but it’s pretty mid tier 😬 I hope you guys will still pick your own shows here and there so you can experience more of the greats even if they don’t get tons of views. 🔥🙏🏻 you guys are my favorite reactors and I just wanna keep watching peak with you 🥺


Ooh oh wow, I never thought of those possibilities!


Loved this reaction! Ya'll were tweeeeeakin at the end. This show did a really good job building everything up so meticulously. The atmosphere of the show and the mysteriousness of it all. They gave you some breadcrumbs, but there's still so much unanswered. I think if you guys like the vibe of this show, you really should check out Silo. Kind of gives off this same mysterious vibe. Also, really enjoyed the end discussion about artistry and unique expression versus generic pop culture fast food shows. Cannon had me cracking up with the banana on a canvas LMFAO


it’s 5 am for me but i can’t wait to watch this after work omg THANK YOUUU


"The TikTok brain kids run IMDB" 🤣


Never been this tense watching an episode since the Aot days


Woke up to severance today is guna be a good day!!!


Yeah the day we get succession is gonna be unreal


Now I want you to imagine the feeling of us fans who have waited THREE YEARS


The poll results are very disheartening to see, these guys are going to get stuck watching the walking dead and one piece for the next 2 years and the best shows have the lowest vote counts. :\

Carlos arcos

Can y’all watch succession please 🥲😭 10/10 show


Do you guys think the first season of dark alone is better than the first season of severance

Colin Boehling

why does brig ALWAYS scream.


IM SO HAPPY YALL LOVED THIS SHOW!!! I was one of the few hyping this show up in the comments cause it’s just that good but literally very few people watch Apple TV 😭😭😭 Silo is also a good show! I recommend 🫶


Nah, Dylan's up there with Gojo and Jinwoo. Don't @ me.


i would say (PERSONALLY FOR ME) severance is better


Dark for me. I have never been gripped with as much intrigue as I was with Dark S1. Severance is the closest I've come since though.


This is heaven!!!

Cannon Andrus

I said it!! I think episode 9 reaction is our best reaction in a while!!!

Ron Jackson Jr

this shows fcking insane one of the best


Crazy that in Irving’s wellness session she says that his outie loves the sound of radar but it’s actually his dog’s name 😂


agreed, however, after their discussion of season 1 severance as a whole.. is it possible brig & cannon might think succession is boring?? hate to do it to em, but in the case of succession they might be “the tik tok kids”. it might be out of their league 😬


Dude watching you all freak out during the finale was all what I needed, it totally payed off of all the noise we sons of Kier did to get Severance its deserved appreciation 💪


Hell yeah, they chose Chernobyll (I love how Carter, Cannon and Brig acknowledged its high quality even though they felt it wasnt the kind of show they like) and Severance on their own, so we still got a thread with goated shows/movies that doesnt do well in the polls. And yes, of course its because we want to share the peak with you guys our favorite reactors!

Sissy Six

That’s so cute for him… his agent really said “we work on prestige dramas only, thank you”

Keyasia Dawkins

You all exposed me to severance. I decided to watch it before I watched your reactions, it was so worth it. Awesome show! I’m starting Dark next.

Sam M

Carter is so right, I'm sick of the slop getting the recognition over quality pieces of art too. I'm grateful that you guys are watching this because ironically I probably would have never watched this on my own. This show is unbelievable, I'm loving it way more than I could have guessed before starting.


you tube mayn't be watching severance but I subbed to your Patreon solely for this show.

Odin Aksnes

Stranger Things slander will NOT be tolerated. Don’t even try to put it in the same category as Wednesday and Outer Banks💀 I agree with your takes that normie shows gets too much attention compared to masterpieces like Severance and DARK, but Stranger Things is actually a really good show. Highly recommend it if you haven’t watched it already.


Show was peak since the beginning, I liked the beginning even more than the half way mark. Every office worker from the squad is so funny with a lot of personality and fantastic acting but Dylan is my favourite


Season 1 of stranger things was good… after that, it goes downhill. Yet people watch like it’s GOT. The wildest thing ever.


This is why ratings are not important to me. Most people watch things to be entertained. Most people listen to music to get lost and have fun. Most people hate having to think and turn on their brain and focus and come to terms with true thought and meaning. Perhaps their reality is riddled with it already. Not to say it’s a bad thing. But those like myself who see things for what they truly are, will always lose the battle. People are Npc’s. People are normies. And people are content this way.


And much has to do with advertisement, marketing and target audience. You probably aren’t going to see children and young adults engaged in Severance as much as they would be in Stranger Things. People are fed what the media wants to feed them.


How can you NOT scream during these last 2 episodes?! Tension and climax are insane. Made even Yaboyroshi tear up 😩

Anton Sakshaug

Bro this show is actully crazy im jumping and screaming too😂💀 my neighbours must think im on something...


It’s not but it is an entertaining show that’s on Apple TV is my point



Cannon Andrus

Tomlette the disrespect is unreal I fear. If your opinion has to do with what I was talking to carter about, I was literally just playing devils advocate and saying everything is subjective at the end of the day.

S Moonchild

If you remember during Irwin's wellness session Ms.Casey told him he likes sound of the Radar. Sounded super weird, but here we see his dog is Radar. There is no way Mark would have known that Cobel's name is different outside, also whether she is severed or not. She was also bugging him the whole time, innie who has never seen so many people and lacks social skills


Yes! I think it's because it's not on a popular streaming service like Netflix. Funny you mentioned Silo because I just started it! Never heard of it before.

John Paul

Carter cooked in the end


You guys watching the whole intro felt like the end of a thousand year edge


No seriously- first watch I was like a chicken with no head. 🤣 I still scream & tense up on every rewatch. Testament to how great & torturous this episode is! I love them esp Sheera!


this last episode was my favorite finale of any show. Also the episode proved to me that cobel wasnt severed because she was fired at work and crying about it when she left. so i just assume she still had the emotions despite leaving work.

Odin Aksnes

I feel like a lot of people have a negative view on the show because of the fanbase, and because it became so massive. Personally I’ve never seen anyone comparing it to GOT. I still think it’s one of Netflix’s best shows. It’s original, well executed and written. The soundtrack is also insanely good


I need myself a waffle party!


I forgot so much about this show, particularly who Mark’s wife is, I just remembered that ‘she’s alive’! Glad I’ve watched the reactions ready for season 2. A top quality show. Apple TV has the lowest subscribers of all the main streamers, it’s a shame so many are missing out. I think if it was on Netflix people would love it. Also Apple only release episodes weakly so it doesn’t get the hype of shows released to binge all at once.


i meant no disrespect 😭 i loved your dark reactions and all your live action reactions. you my favorite channel. you just said you found parts of this show to be kinda boring in the beginning and brig seemed kinda meh on it until later when crazy stuff started happening so I just think maybe a show like succession that doesn’t have any action or sci-fi/mystery elements and relies so heavily on writing/characters might not be your thing. and that is ok. i would just be nervous for you to watch it kinda like when you show someone something you love so much and they don’t like it it’s just kinda a bummer lol. also I could be totally wrong, i have no idea, maybe you would love it. we may never know lol.


out of your league wasn’t the right phrase. i meant more like it might not be within your realm of enjoyment.


Carter: "this is the weirdest thing ever, dude." 1 second later.. "GO NOW TO THE FOUNDER'S BED"


Remeber when Ms Casey said "your outie likes the sound of radar" 🥹


The rewatch of this show was insane. So many things were revealed but only made sense later. Like when Natalie came to visit Ms Cobel, and she asked “is this about Helena?” 😭


Friends loved demon slayer but could not stomach more than 4 episodes of Vinland saga 😔 I have some enemies and it’s them!


Honestly, it's 99% because it's on Apple TV lol let's be real. If this was on Netflix it would be 100x more popular


I'm so glad y'all watched this, another show I would have never seen because of the service it's on and it was so damn good.


Omg I never realized Devon might think that what mark said was referring to the baby being alive 😭


Now imagine waiting for 3 yrs for season two 🥹


watched 3 seasons. lost interest after the first but cost sunk fallacy much like twd


finally a group thats brave enough to call demon slayer mid. jesus that show is so boring to watch lol.


It's definitely because it's on Apple TV, they're trying to expand their advertising, but mostly those who use apple products will be inclined to check it out. IMDb is lower because less people have watched it, it's not a reflection on the quality or likability of the show. I have only heard raving reviews from people who have watched it, and that many have not because subscribing to Apple for 3 great shows isn't enticing. Would you even have watched it if it wasn't high up on polling suggestions? If you're the average consumer, whatever you're not watching is the average. I've seen a lot of TV, but more back in the day when it was easier to access, I've barely seen anything now because of the hassle. It's hard to be as hyped to see something when you have to put in the effort to sign up and shell out for a paywall.


It's also why I suggest not only watching stuff for the algorithm. Mixing with obscure & variety expands traffic towards Patreon and builds longevity on YT, because people who appreciate options will also stick around for when something else they like pops up. Severance may not be getting views now, but it's likely that at some point more subscribers will join Apple TV, or the current & post s2 airing will inspire new waves, with people also searching for reacts to binge. Maybe stuff you're aware of, but a rabid following fanbase exists for everything, and pulling each in might be more successful than trying to retain balances with core subscribers. But idrk


Beware the first few eps are okay but it exponentially gets better!!


“They’re the TikTok kids” and “out of their league” is crazy work. Better off just standing on business after that ngl 😭


Brig stop coming for Grey's y'all dk s1-10 is epic golden age tv (then as happens, the showrunner changed to a shallow person, and it's down spiral was imminent). Still some of the best storytelling out there that shocks people because it's way more than a female lead and some romances.

Charles Hesketh

Yeah it’s mid with moments of peak. It’s highs make up for the lows for a lot of people


Sci-fi is my ultimate genre. I love Rebecca Ferguson. It's a trilogy adaptation! I'm sold! I'm ashamed I didn't know this existed. 😔

Charles Hesketh

Highly recommend the books too. The books and show have differences (some would even say the show is better) but both are enjoyable in unique ways


No way! I always read source materials & they are always better. I'm now intrigued.


Now I feel bad about saying that I wanted to beat Ms. Caset up...


goodness 1x9 might be my favorite reaction from you guys ever thanks for the peak!


I agree with Lola, Stranger Things Season 1 is a perfect season of television. It’s one of those that you can watch over and over again


Yea this is what I was thinking… I get that they should do what the fans want but oh boy if he has that opinion now, the fans will have them watching slop over peak 75% of the time. The walking dead, Vikings, Alice in borderland before succession, the sopranos, band of brothers, etc…


Yes, those shows are decent/alright, but the walking dead is like 300 episodes long and has maybe 4 good seasons out of what 11? Meanwhile the Sopranos is legit the best show ever… better call Saul, Succession, etc. Better Call Saul gets really good views at least from what I can remember too


as an actress the whole discussion in the beginning was so interesting lmao. It's not as hard as it may seem but it def has extremely difficult aspects. Depends on a person and the character thy are playing


Thanks Geks! That finale was very stressful. Can't believe some people had to wait 3 years for season 2. Glad I discovered this with you Geks.


Reintegration signs definitely but I think his outie is not fully committed like the others


Glad I watched this show. I found out about it through this patreon and now it's def one of my favs. Please watch Succession once you're done with season 2. It's a truly magnificent show

Vlad Lena

I started watching this show with you, even though it wasn't part of my plans. The finale episode was truly mind-blowing! The climax was indescribable. I was very impressed! And your finale discussion was really cool 👏👏👏


Happy that I decided to give this show a chance and watch it with you all, best reaction on the entire channel!


Guys, since the first episode of the second season is already out on YouTube, could you release it here too?


So happy to see how many people loved the show and they started it with the geks, great community to share the peak!


DUUDE why is this show so GOOD?? I have not felt suspense like this in so long bro


bro I'm so happy I watched this with ya'll cause I was right there with you guys screaming at the climaxes. Like if I watched this on my own I'd be suffering to talk with someone about it, What a show man

Ernesto Blanco

the audio is too low on the show