Season 4 Part 3 Release (Patreon)
Hello everyone!! Hope you guys are having an amazing start to your week. Quick question for you all…
As you all know, the next part of AoT releases March 3!! We are beyond excited for it and will be caught up in real time. Here’s the issue. We talked it through and tried to come up with a plan, but turns out we are most likely going to fall a bit short on the releases before it drops. We know it’s not the finale, but we want to be apart of it on YouTube, especially as we will be caught up in real time. By the time S4 P3 drops we will probably be at the end of Part 1 on YouTube and patreon. What we have decided to do is release the reaction to the new part the day it comes out, even tho it will be slightly ahead of our series, and then continue where we left off. We just see that as being the best course of action because you all and the rest of the world will all be experiencing it at the same time, and we want to be apart of that.
Let us know your thoughts about this and if you have any suggestions we can take into consideration! As you all know, your guys opinions are very important to us and we love this community we have on here, so your thoughts are very important to us!