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Hello everyone!! Hope you guys are having an amazing start to your week. Quick question for you all…

As you all know, the next part of AoT releases March 3!! We are beyond excited for it and will be caught up in real time. Here’s the issue. We talked it through and tried to come up with a plan, but turns out we are most likely going to fall a bit short on the releases before it drops. We know it’s not the finale, but we want to be apart of it on YouTube, especially as we will be caught up in real time. By the time S4 P3 drops we will probably be at the end of Part 1 on YouTube and patreon. What we have decided to do is release the reaction to the new part the day it comes out, even tho it will be slightly ahead of our series, and then continue where we left off. We just see that as being the best course of action because you all and the rest of the world will all be experiencing it at the same time, and we want to be apart of that.

Let us know your thoughts about this and if you have any suggestions we can take into consideration! As you all know, your guys opinions are very important to us and we love this community we have on here, so your thoughts are very important to us!









Chase Akins

sounds good to me


So your gonna release season 4 part 1 when part 3 comes out?


It is what it is! It’ll be great no matter what.


I think this is a good idea if you guys decide to go with it either way im watching😁

Jaron Ammons

That sounds like a great plan guys can’t wait to have us all experience the new episodes together! I look forward to it!


I think that sounds like a good idea! Being a part of the hype while it's happening in real time is part of the fun as well! :) So excited for March!!


Do whatever you think is better. I will probably wait on watching part 3 until part 2 is out but I think either way is ok.

Jovon Ammons

That’s sounds great to me, I would’ve happy with whatever you guys chose to do tbh.


It’ll be great for a new audience that’s never seen you before but a bit awkward for current fans

A_Daddy Daichi

But seriously, don’t stress too much about the uploads! I think it’ll be cool if you guys are caught up even though we may not see it on time


I wouldn’t mind this one bit! Let’s experience part 3 togetherrrr 🤗


Whatever fit you guys but we need 19 20 immediately 😩😩

Katrina Vieira

Mmm, honestly I’d be okay with waiting for the s4 part 3 reaction. We’d know that you’d have reacted to it in real time, but for the sake of reacting in chronological order, i’d wait until all the other uploads are out. That’s just me though


Fine by me


Before I say my opinion, I just want to say that whatever you decide to do is fine by me. I'm just happy to get the fun content! Saying that, I would prefer to wait on your reaction of season 4 part 3, which is probably what I will do myself. I feel like my experience would be better seeing your reaction to part 3 with knowing what your opinions are on different things that have happened in part 2 etc.


makes cents to me cause if people wanna wait to watch your other reactions before seeing the part 3 reaction they can do that and if they wanna watch it the very same day it drops then they can also do that 👍🏼 win win


I think that's a good idea! Could be a big boost for the patreon, too 😏


I’m totally fine if that’s what you want! ^^ But it could be confusing to some viewers especially the ones on youtube xD

James Allpress

As I understand it, being at around Season 4 episode 8, you’ll likely reach episode 28 sooner than I thought... Sooner at least than the rate at which new releases will happen.


Sounds good to me ngl, 2 questions, what do you think you’ll be on (reaction release wise) by the time the finale episode comes out, and maybe you can do a like 5-10 minute mini review of what you’ve seen that hasn’t been uploaded at the beginning of the finale episode even though those videos haven’t been uploaded yet


Either way is fine with me, I intend to watch all your reactions in chronological regardless of s4p3 going live.


I think that’s a good idea as the world should be experiencing this together.


it’s the best of both worlds! y’alls plan is good 🫶🏼


I'd prefer if u upload part 2 first but it makes sense what u are saying


Ya so next week we will probably get up to 4x10 ish before part 3 comes out on friday. Then on that friday when the new part comes out we will release our part 3 reaction , and the next week we will continue where we left off and start from 4x11

Thicc Thanos

I would say do a video saying, “Hey guys unfortunately we will not be continuing attack on titan. We just weren’t feeling the series anymore.” Then wait a year and half before you start uploading again. Be like, “Nah we were just kidding.” Solid prank.


As long as it's clearly marked (might want to make liberal use of asterisks, bold, big font haha) so that people don't spoil on themselves. There could be some of your Patreon audience that are watching these for the first time in chronological order with you. Those of us that want to experience your reactions in chrono-order can just wait to watch the S4 Part 3 once the other uploads are in place. The content isn't going anywhere for us in that regard. So do what is best for you, what you think will be the most fun for you, and us Patreon folks will follow suit and/or just keep watching in order as usual :)


I feel like S4 part 2 has some very significant things that happen which will lead into what is happening with the release of S4 part 3 and not having context for them is probably not helpful. I don't think you should watch it until you are caught up.


agreed - will be completely up to each person to watch immediately or just hold off a bit

Mia Malvik

Probably the best case scenario! Those who wanna watch your reactions in chronological order can just wait, so there shouldn't be an issue. I'm so excited for part 3 though like actually foaming at the mouth

The Owl

I think that’s an absolutely perfect way to handle it. I vote for this plan!

Kayla Paullet

I think it’s a good idea but I’ll probably wait until all of part 1&2 are out before I watch part 3


Release all the content u have up to Now please/)

Rodrigo Figueroa

I'll probably watch as the series goes on and skip s4 part3 reaction until the series is caught up to that. But you guys do it the way you think it's best!


I'm down for whatever to be honest.. lol. As long as I get to see uncut reactions 😋

Mia Malvik

They themselves will finish part 1 and 2 before watching part 3, but they'll post the reaction to part 3 before 1/2. They won't skip anything

jordan solomon

that makes sense to me! gives us a chance to talk to you guys about the new episode right after coming out!! we can talk about the show in real time to y’all watching it!!


I think it'd be great on Patreon if it was possible to be fully current on the series by the time the new releases come out. Any potential for that? Makes a ton of sense wanting to have reactions to the new episodes out same day they drop.


One of those things where it’s obviously not the ideal scenario, but I get it. I will personally probably wait to watch part 2 though- would be a little strange to see your reactions to part 3 and then go back to the previous events already knowing how you feel about them to an extent.


Sounds fine to me!


Oh dont worry, we arent going to skip anything. We will 100% have seen all of season 4 before Part 3 drops next friday. Our series just wont be caught up on the posting part of it.


Although tbh, I’m gonna watch it in chronological order. I just don’t feel the rush to watch reactions immediately after season 4 part 3 dropped. Plus, it’s not a weekly episode thing so i’m fine to wait till your reactions are posted to that point


they will be caught up in real time. they just won’t be caught up on the uploads.

lina ea

however is more comfortable for you guys! either way we love seeing your reactions so I don’t really think all of us who are rewatching it anyways with your reactions would mind it one bit! 🥰


Yea rhat sounds like a veey good idea to me. Especially if you uploaded aot relayed content that isnt the current hype itd actively demote yall. So yes please


No need to wait:) Watching it for the 4th time with you!


Ohh ok I gotcha! Sorry I misunderstood. I think you have a solid idea then :)


I've enjoyed watching you guys from the beginning, using your channel to refresh my memory of AOT before the new season/part. I think releasing your reactions to the new content is the best idea for your channel, ride the hype wave you guys deserve it! We can always wait for the inbetween content!


Same, i wanna see the uncut hype madness that will be unleashed March 3rd!

Alex E

I’m just excited for this Patreon in General. If Death note wins the poll it’ll be my first time watching it as well. Do what you have to do either ways we’re with y’all.


I think this is a good idea I wouldn't want to wait another few weeks to see what you all thought 😁


That could to quite difficult for them I think. Have jobs, have to gather and watch together, have to edit for patreon and youtube etc. That take up a great chunk of time

Connor Scott

Honestly I’d rather you guys just get there when you get there. No need to spoil an episode of the show for yourselves.


As long as u guys are caught up in real time I have 0 problems w/ that

Ayn Orbuda

No problem with having late upload as long as you caught up with that.

Kyra Sun

Personally I kinda want you guys to catch up and then watch part 3, since then your not missing important character development and the arcs which I think is better in the long run. I get where you guys are coming from, since there will be a definite increase in YouTube viewers, but that’s my take! At the end I’ll accept whatever you choose!


Of course everyone is hyped for it, you guys should be with us


What if you guys release big chucks in one video. Like 1hr worth of episodes in 1 video or something like that. If it’s to much then what ever works best for you Personally I probably won’t watch the reaction of the new part as I love going in chronological order. If you do post it I’ll watch it until im all caught up with your reactions. But like I said what ever you think it’s best 🥰

Zain Ali

Do whatever you feel most comfortable with! I would say just be aware of the fact that you will be gaining a lot of new fans with that P3 reaction. Wouldn't hurt to try to throw all the reactions up on Patreon ahead of that one if it's reasonable.


I see comments about Death Notes so it reminds me to suggest you guys watch it in dub. Death note dub is quite nice!


Yess, me too. If they do post it, I’ll have to resist not watching it because I want to see their reactions to the previous parts before they get to the new one.


They are caught up, just the patreon posts are not caught up that’s what they mean


I will be watching your reactions in order, otherwise it will be like a spoiler if I skip 10 episodes and you sudenly have all that knowledge out of nowhere


For sure! The only reason I thought this was due to them mentioning in vids and on the post that they'd be fully caught up to series before March 3 release. (As well as being past ep 7+ of season 4 currently.) If that's the case the biggest factor would be editing + uploading, which of course still takes plenty of time. Imo it may make more sense to accelerate the uploading schedule to more than once a week, if the goal is to upload the new season release same day it drops. (if possible of course.)


I think it would be better to rather release them in order and a little later. It would be weird if you skipped some episodes as your reaction would be incoherent to us. But whatever you choose, just make it quick pls cus im dying waiting. <3


Just started that one& I see why everyone is wanting them to watch it.


As long as you guys are caught up in real time! Gonna watch it myself on March 3rd then whenever you guys upload it, watch it again with your reaction! Can’t wait


Because of that, i will not be affected by your choice, i will Watch it when time is right so you do whats best for you


sounds great! just make sure not to rush through part 2 since there’s ALOT of significant details.


I second this. I would suggest them to post s4 part 3 just for patreon


Makes sense! With all the hype for the new episode, it’ll be a great boost for your Patreon and YT 😏 I didn’t want your guys’ reaction to AOT to end after the S4P3 episode dropped, so dropping the rest of S4 after the new episode is great news for me!


I think that sounds like a good idea. Although, people who come across your channel later might get confused with the uploads. I think you guys should upload a separate announcement video on the channel (don't just stitch the announcement to one of your reactions) so that people won't miss it and get confused or misunderstand thinking you just jumped into part 3 without finishing the rest of the episodes. Literally make sure you announcement it everywhere possible (community post, comment section, description section) as you'll likely get heaps of confused comments because people are too eager to watch your reactions than to read!


good plan

Moni Moo

yes and at the beginning of the epiosod the latest episode that comes out before the first episode of season 4 part 3 drops on their channel

C E.

It would be amazing for you to experience that part of journey too so I think it’s fine. I’m excited for you to check out the memes as well! March 3 is exam day for me (🥲) so I’ll probably just wait for the rest and watch your reactions in chronological order. Delaying gratification, I say lol. Still take caution for spoilers tho. Enjoy!


I probably would watch your reactions in chronological order regardless of when they're uploaded, so do whatever is easiest for you! As an alternative solution, have you guys thought about livestreaming your reactions on Patreon for the remainder of Season 4 part 1/2? That way, at least the Patreon gang could be caught up with you guys in real time when part 3 drops.


I onboard with that idea because it's a better and much more engaging experience to be able to watch the show in real-time with many people around the world. There are going to be tons of reaction videos and discussions popping up on YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, you name it, and you want to be part of that shared experience (minus the spoilers). Can you imagine if all you guys were blind reacting together when season 3 and season 4 were being released? Your reactions would be filled with hype and long discussions and theories and everybody would have a say in that, and not just Cannon and Carter. While at the same time trying to dodge spoilers like most anime-only watchers. Not to mention you get to experience the pain and agony of having to wait 1 week per episode, then months at time for the next season.

Takuro za siromašne

A good plan, also are there any stream reactions planned because some of the season 4 p2 episodes would be great to experience with you all live. Any episodes coming today?


Levi, what are you doing here. You already know how this is going to end. 😄


unless you can stream on patreon, that probably won't happen, you can't just watch anime on stream, and if you did you wouldn't be able to have the show on screen which would make it kind of a pain for the viewers to follow along

Z Rhoads

I don't really mind either way. I probably wont watch it (the reactions, I sure as hell will watch the regular episode when it releases) until the rest of the uploads catch up to this point. I would suggest (if it's not too much trouble) to expedite the upload process in between now and then. Maybe start whichever new series you guys are planning on while waiting for the new AOT releases.


seems like a good idea!

Justin Callang

Good idea! I’m down with whatever you guys decide. Nothing beats the communal experience of witnessing a series finale!


at first I thought you meant youd watch the new part before you guys finished watching and i was like ??? but i get it now lol, nah that makes complete sense. get hyped. what episode yall on currently?


sounds good but man i wish we could get the next few epis already


i really wanted the basement reveal last week but now thinking about it, realistically they only would’ve been able to get to 19 or 20 and then it would’ve been an awkward wait. Next week we get to see the entire basement reveal arc and directly go into season 4 which will be fun

Takuro za siromašne

I do not know really how Patreon works since and what you can or can't do with it I only started using it a week ago lol but yeah streaming on other platforms is a nono, if this was 2021 they could on twitch but now even twitch isn't an option.


They finished Season 4 Episode 7 almost 3 days ago so around there.


Seems like a good idea lads Totally fair for you guys to want to be apart of this global experience! If people are miffed about it releasing out of order, they can always choose not to watch it 🤘


The first thing comes to mind is that we don’t know your opinions/thoughts about the major events leading to part 3. So to me, it would feel out of place watching your part 3 reaction first. You can do whatever fits best for you. I’m just going to watch your reaction after the rest of season 4 is uploaded.


I feel like they should ask their audience on YouTube as well. Since they’re getting up to 100k views.


Happy to watch it together!!!


I'm good with whatever you decide as long as you're all caught up in real-time.

esie ♡︎

would love to watch your guys reaction in real time. i think it’s totally ok if we skip around. at the end, still glad to watch your reactions.


bro they already uploaded 8 damn AOT eps and 1 TLOU in the course of like 3 days, be patient they got lives outside this too


That's fine though I do have a question, is it too much editing to expedite the regular upload schedule? I assume the editing takes time and don't want y'all to do too much extra work so if you can't that's fine. I probably will watch them all in order and won't watch the season 4 part 3 video immediately. That being said, I'll still watch it when I get up to it with the others, I haven't missed any of your videos yet. It would just be a bit jarring is all.


I would prefer chronologically watching the reactions but im fine either way. If your doing part 3 before part 2 then would you be able to release just a short season 4 part 1and 2 review video before part 3 reactions so we can watch the part 3 reactions knowing your opinions and thoughts of part1&2.

A_Daddy Daichi

Oh again, like some others suggested posting S4 p3 on Patreon so then YouTube will still be chronological! Then you guys can continue posting S4 P1 on Patreon in between the new episodes. I do hope you guys consider getting an editor soon so you're lives will be easier lol


So just to clarify- when the part 3 comes out, you guys are going to release 1 episode of part 3 per week and pause the part 2 release till after part 3 reactions are done, right?


I hope you guys consider getting an editor! They are a life saver in these situations. I can’t wait to finish this reaction with you guys!


Keep it chronological


I don't see the harm in dropping it ahead of time but I'll prolly wait to watch until you've released the other episodes.


Maybe just release two episodes on some days to make up for it? That way y'all could do it all in order. Release the last two episodes in season 3 on the same day, for example. Up to you, though. I'll still be watching!


Part 3 is being split into 2 extra long episodes. The first will air in March 3rd the second we don't know but it will be later this year. So at most this would only delay the part 2 episodes by 1 week. Assuming they can only upload the part 3 episode that day


I don’t know about everyone else but whether or not you post the episode ahead of time I’m still going to watch the reactions leading up to the current episode before I watch the new one, that’s just me, I don’t mind you guys being behind bc you’ll eventually be on track at the rate you releasing the episodes.


ohh okay that makaes sense, thanks for explaining.


same as above, ill probably wait for the patreon to be caught up before watching the reaction to s4p3


That is true. It might be better idea to watch it in chronological order. It might be a good idea, for those who do want to watch the latest reaction, is to have a recap of their thoughts and feelings of the story as there is a significant gap part 1 and part 3 of season 4.

Luis Galarza

Off topic. Not sure if anyone has suggested this . With the traction your channel has gotten I suggest looking into merch in the future . I suggest “Feral” hoodies and T-shirts . Congratulations on the success of your guys channel . I’ve been watching since episode one . I subscribed to the Patreon as soon as you guys announced it . Nothing like chasing that AOT reaction high !


ABSOLUTELY LOVE that idea Luis!!! Thank you! And yes, merch has started being discussed recently 👀

Nicolas Martinez

I’m for it on patreon, keep it consistent on yt though, you guys are doing great no need to rush it and throw others who aren’t on patreon out of whack, keep it chronogical and have the build up to the newest episodes alittle after everyone has already seen it


Maybe you could release the reaction for part 3 on Patreon at an unpaid tier?? (If that’s a thing lol idk) That way your YouTube channel will still be chronological but if people want to see the real time reaction they can.


If the loading time is the issue, you could load the videos onto Google drive and share it here. That's what another creator I'm following is doing.

Sean Carroll

I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if you’re part 3 reaction gets 1 million views. All manga readers know that this episode is going to arguably be the greatest episode in anime history

Nick K

I wasn't 100% clear from the post, but I'm assuming you mean that you will just have yet to post S4 P2, but you WILL have seen it and already done your recording, it just won't be uploaded yet because you want to keep your upload schedule. So yeah totally fine, I just won't watch P3 until you have gotten all the way there with the uploads. I think it may be a bit confusing for youtube people to see you suddenly jump ahead, or be missing episodes but how you want to manage that is up to you. This does mean though that once you finish P2 uploads on Patreon, because you'll have already started P3 uploads, you won't have any uploads left in the can so I would say just don't fall behind on the next show final polls so you can get all that ironed out well in advance.


Sounds great! Do whatever works the best for you guys, we will be watching regardless 😉

Marc Davey

hmm that does suck, can u not just spam multiple uploads per day just to catch up? surely


no, it takes a lot of work and a lot of uploading time. They already have an insane upload schedule with balancing patreon and then editing the episodes for their youtube, you really don't need to ask for more. Just ignore the s4p3 upload if you want to watch in chronological


yes they'll have fully caught up, just not in uploads. Rn they're already past s4 episode 7. Also s4p3 is one long episode, it's not a full season

rac coun

I don't mind you doing that, however, like other commenter, I would wait and watch it in chronological order. This would mean, that for this one upload you're alienating a part of your core viewer group, but it's just one upload. Please make sure to read comments on it after posting ep. 28, to engage with people like me. :)


Please partner with a quality brand for merch! I've gotten merch from other creaters and it was v cheap materials that faded after a few washes.

Fatema alrowaiei

Idk it wont be the same watching part 3 without part 2 it would feel off… like you can record part 3 mayeb first episode…then either way its an episode per week you can still catch up. Orrrr I personally would pay extra to watch it on patreon in chronological order! Like keep it chronologically in patreon 🥹❤️ In the end do what suits you guys no pressure ❤️

Fatema alrowaiei

I mean its not the final part 🫣

OG Phat1

Whatever works best for you guys we’re here for it. I know some people don’t agree with that unfortunately but we’re thankful for the content and think you should release as you so chose. Totally understand wanting to drop part 3 the day it comes out


they’re in such a good position. their reactions to some of the most hype episodes of the show are gonna get uploaded right when hype and discussion is at an all time high due to the release of P3. Hero, Assault, and Memories of the Future will probably get close to 1 mill for them. At least break the 500k mark


also side note but i always thought this poster was so dope. theres also the one where its a remake of the season 1 poster, but instead of human Eren facing off against the colossal peeking over the wall, its human Reiner facing off against Erens titan in Liberio. Such an awesome way of communicating what S4P1 is all about with one simple image

Alan Tegethoff (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 07:29:07 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)
2023-02-21 06:22:22 If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)

If I understood it right you guys will be caught up with the series in real time by the time pt. 3 starts but the edits in Patreon/YT won’t be. Which is ok I know that shit is hard to edit! If it was my choice I’d watch it either way even if you guys caught up 2-3 weeks in advance but I understand that you A: want to get that YT bag for the new release content B: it’s hard asf to edit part one and two in the span of essentially two weeks so I’m good with whatever. But who knows maybe you can actually get caught up if you go absolutely sicko mode 👀 (but either way I’m ok with it just do what’s best for you guys!)


i always thought that was falco in the season 4 poster oops

Nana A.

I feel like this isn't necessarily the best idea because it'll be more than just the Studio Gek fanbase wanting to watch pt 3 reactions right? Like if people don't already know about their YouTube channel then they probably wouldn't know about the Patreon, so I think only putting the pt 3 reaction on Patreon would reduce the number of views they could get outside of people who are already subscribed.


Sounds good to me ~

Alex Cleveland

I’d prefer a chronological release but that’s jus me tho


My advice would be to edit and post 3 episodes and post every day if you want to catch up youtube/patreon to the live release of part 3. It sounds difficult but thats the only choice. I think chronological is best due to the community embarking on the journey with you guys and it would be jarring to see your thoughts without context. Just gotta work fast or sacrifice the release day being on march 3rd and post later imo


You got 10 days to get through 32 episodes I would say if you want to catch up 3 episodes every day


Yes let’s watch it together ❤️❤️👏🏻

Menno van Eck

I think it would be better if you do a chronological release to give us your thoughts and views of the characters/events happening along the way. There are a lot of reaction channels that start reactions for series that are already a few seasons in and people just enjoy watching it to see how the reactors experience it and especially with Attack on Titan to see how the reactors try to figure stuff out :). And with the speed that you guys have been uploading with I am sure that you will be able to upload S4 part 3 before most reation channels that are still trying to catch up. But hey, if you guys do think it's best to upload part 3 first then it's totally fine! I will still watch you guys, just only in chronological order

Aakash Shivhare

Take it slow, don't rush, max people will watch it chronologically so there's no point uploading one before the schedule, i have read the manga so i am in no rush to watch the next part, i will watch it with you people, i did the same with last part, i watched it with my online friend on discord just to see his reaction :)

Jason Samaniego

yeah idk bout this there isn’t a rush plus they release one episode a week its gonna be going on for a while

Namungo Hangai

does that mean u guys will be caught up to part2 but us the viewers won’t be since it wouldn’t be done edited?

Knowledge Minaia

I do prefer to watch episodes in chronological order and think that’s most peoples preferred option. So I will be one of those who will wait/hold off on watching your guys reaction to the final season part 3 episode special till I see your reactions to the rest of season 3, the final season part 1 and part 2 episodes first. I just prefer not to watch things out of order, I don’t really see what the rush is all about on getting that episode out but it is your guys channel, so you guys do whatever you prefer


When you're caught up with aot in your series you lot gonna start death note?




Much prefer chronological uploads because i don't plan on watching part 3 as soon as it drops anyway. I like to binge 😊 tho i dont mind spoilers since ive read the manga. Anyway, you do you.

Jayton Garrido

Please don't rush that episode... The whole reason we are watching and paying for the Patreon is to see your reactions as events unfold. Rushing an episode out of context seems pretty selfish, It's not like those on Patreon won't watch part 3 eventually. If you guys will already be caught up by the time part 3 comes out it makes no sense for those videos not to be released first other than not being able to space them out. :(

Gabriel Alexander

I will watch it chronologically, but you guys maybe could organize a livestream for people that do want to experience it with you regardless of the order can join in. you can put a countdown so that everyone plays at the same time, or maybe a timer after it starts so that people know what minute you're at. Also you could to a survey to better see what people think


Ultimately this is your guy's watching experience/journey and your viewers are just here to witness it so I think you guys should prioritise yourselves. I do think you guys will lose more of the experience by not uploading part 3 in real time whereas the viewers 'lose' if you jump to uploading part 3. But again, I think you should prioritise your experience over the viewers. It's once in a lifetime that you guys will get to interact with the AOT community on youtube while part 3 is actually airing. Sure, there's still part 4 but doesnt mean you guys should miss the hype of part 3. People who want to watch in chronological order will still get their wish once you guys upload everything, just a little later.

James600 TTV

I don’t think you should rush it because there’s a big jump to s4 p1 to the end of p2 so I feel like it will be really confusing and ruin the show’s point


you can just ignore it until everything else has been uploaded


I'd like to give my input after asking this question. In order for me to truly understand how far behind you would be upon uploading all the way up until March 3rd. How long does it take to upload one video to patreon and YouTube? Do you have to be attending the upload device at all times?


way to not read at all. They will be already caught up, they are just talking about a release schedule for what they already recorded


selfish? no one is forcing you to watch it the second they post it. If it's a big deal to you, simply wait to watch it until you watch the rest of their stuff. They are trying to grow their channel, releasing the final part reaction as it comes out is a smart idea for bringing in viewership, you can't hate on them for that. Some of these comments, man....


vic spitting facts they got 1 mil on their first video, imagine their views with an up to date reaction during the absolute peak of AOT hype. but people be like “nooo i dont want it out of order” lol


because theyve been playing catch up with the entire show and it would be a special experience for the entire group to go into it together for once, while also engaging with the hype from around the world


That's the best for everyone, since everyone can decide whether to watch the new season together with you or wait to watch it chronologically

Stoke me a clipper

Go right ahead! Anyone who wants to watch it chronologically can still do that, so there's no downside.


This is Cannon and daily uploads was our version of trying to expedite the upload schedule. There’s literally no way we’d be able to output the amount of episodes in the next 10 days unfortunately. We will be caught up in real time though! And upload our reaction that day


I think this is a great idea to grow your viewership and be apart of the hype on release days. Thanks for the transparency!


part 3 is one long episode, it's not releasing weekly, it's just one drop

Nana A.

Yes!! Subbed is great but Death Note dubbed just hits different in the best way, and that's not something you can say about every anime out there lmao


Its gonna be weird seeing you lot react to the latest eps when the last time I watched your reaction was season 3 lmao but guess it is what it is.


i've seen they have stated in some replies to other comments, usually about 2 to 3 hours ish to upload on Patreon (i may be wrong, could be longer). keep in mind Carter still has to edit the video/render it as well.. all while juggling a job and life too.


It can only be understandable that you have the wish to be apart of the P3 release, I think ppl will understand, and there's still plenty of reactions I (we?) wanna see for the S4 though

The Owl

I am absolutely dying for the next batch of episodes. Is it Friday yet?

Cecilie Munthe

I mean, it's up to you, but i don't think i'll watch it before i've watched the reactions to the episodes leading up to it. i think it'll ruin my experience a bit watching the part 2 episodes if i've already watched you react to part 3

Cameron Justus

DONT Be behind a little its all good we can wait!!!!!


what’s the hold up on season 3 thooo

Johnathan Nilsen

You should wait to release it, releasing it before releasing the reactions to the previous content will be confusing


weekends are patreon uploads, weekdays are youtube uploads. Season 3 will continue friday


i was thinking once they catch up they could post it on YT for people who aren't subscribed, but if anyone reaaaalllllyy wants to see it immediately they could hop on over and watch it here until it gets posted in chronological order.


yeah, just don't watch it until they upload the other ones leading up to it


I haven't heard anything from this patreon. 🥺 i have been looking forward for your vids 😭💯


They upload from friday through to the weekend. https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-schedule-78802686

Memphis Magpie

That makes sense! You could also double up the episodes, so instead of reacting to 2, you react to 4 at a time. I know that makes each video longer that optimal length, but it will speed up the process of catching up.

Jawrool (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 07:14:37 Looks like the only option is to quit your jobs, quit your workout routine, quit rocket league, quit any other commitments you have, and post everyday all day. Signed, a selfish viewer &lt;3
2023-02-22 16:11:29 Looks like the only option is to quit your jobs, quit your workout routine, quit rocket league, quit any other commitments you have, and post everyday all day. Signed, a selfish viewer <3

Looks like the only option is to quit your jobs, quit your workout routine, quit rocket league, quit any other commitments you have, and post everyday all day. Signed, a selfish viewer <3

Jayton Garrido

I understand that posting on release will more than likley give them more exposure, its why i said It's selfish that they are prioritizing numbers over content for paying fans they already have.. They could have been releasing content faster in preparation for the new season. That was thier plan at the start was to be caught up by the time the new season came around. It's not the viewers fault that they aren't caught up and so more episodes will be pushed back so they can record and edit and post on launch. Who currently on patreon would want to skip a season just to watch thier reactions of the new season. It makes no sense. You don't get exposure from patreon posts, you get it from YouTube. So posting thier reaction on here makes no sense ahead of time.

Rachel C.

I agree with the others. You can definitely release it as I'm sure plenty of new people will watch. I will hold off on watching it until the rest of part 2 comes out otherwise I think it might ruin the experience for me as someone who has been watching since s1 ep 1.


Any idea when the next reaction is dropping?


Like everyone already said, just ignore the upload until the rest has been uploaded? there's literally no downside. You also don't seem to get that they have a shitton going on with editing, rendering and uploading to 2 different platforms, while also juggling real life, work and all that stuff. It ain't as simple as "just upload more 4Head". They're not the selfish ones, you are


would be cool to get multiple episodes in one video for patreon. i hope for s4 we get 19, 20, 21 together :D


I think yall should release it however you want!! However, I personally will not watch your reactions to part 3 before watching all your previous reactions. I'd like to see yall react up to that part!

Victor Antigua (edited)

Comment edits



Victor Antigua (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-04-29 11:22:55 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes
2023-02-23 01:05:19 do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes

do you mean you’ll be caught up in real time but the reactions will be delayed ? if that’s so then that’s fine. but don’t see the new part without seeing the other episodes

Randy Nguyen

ye they mean the youtube release won't be caught up, but they/patreon folks will be

Shaniya Williams

The perfect scenario would be for you guys to push out as much current content as possible so that everything is in order—even if it’s not in the greatest quality—If that’s not plausible I will still support you guys in your choice!


They’ll also prolly upload some of season 4 on the weekend.

Gabriel Valforte

I agree, keep the current release schedule and release the new episodes as soon as possible, those will be hype


The new episodes will ruin any potential buildup on part 2. I would recommend that you guys catch up at the normal pace, that way you're not sitting in agony week to week at first.

Jem de Jager

No, won’t be caught up on patreon either. End of Part one season 4 he said, for YouTube and patreon, when part 3 releases

Meg O'Brien

Okay so just to be clear they said "we will be caught up in real time" so I'm assuming that they would have seen all of season 4 but won't be uploading it all at once, and will react to part 3 and upload it along with their build up of prerecorded reactions so it goes with the hype (which I am happy for and agree with get ur bag) but I'm just trying to figure out if they would have seen s4 p1 and 2 before p3 to see what order I should watch ?