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.F. .M. .A. .B. SUB VS DUB

  • Sub 943
  • Dub 639
  • 2023-09-16
  • 1582 votes
{'title': '.F. .M. .A. .B. SUB VS DUB', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sub', 'votes': 943}, {'text': 'Dub', 'votes': 639}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 16, 22, 12, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1582}


You know what it is. This will not decide the outcome but give us an idea of how many of you prefer sub or dub. Very curious to see how this is split!







im always sub only. But the dub for this show is amazing that i only prefer dub for this show, as well as dbz


Sub please I cant watch the dub


Dub… cause I be in outer space most of the time.


Sub for sure

Max Grodman

This is one of the only dubs I like at all, but obviously the sub is still a great choice. I respect it either way on this one

Christian Cruz

The dub for brotherhood is ingrained in my heart, but I generally prefer sub


Sub will always sound more natural to me because it's Japanese VC's voicing over Japanese anime and not Americans or otherwise.


It's hard because admittedly sub is easier to follow if i'm trying to watch the episode and simultaneously hear your guys' thoughts bc of the subtitles. Whereas I actually love the dub for most of the characters in this show even if Ed is a little whiny. But then it's difficult to strain to hear two different lines of dialogue in English from both you guys and the show. So from my pov, it makes more sense logistically to do sub for the audience, but I believe your guys' enjoyment may be heightened by the dub




As a vehement sub enjoyer, I only watch FMAB in dub! whether it's *better* is up for debate, but since it's one of the few TRULY excellent dubs I think it's worth experience just for its rarity tbh

Alex Ramirez

Dub, most people voting sub are sub elitists and so far they have only heard the dub of 5% of the characters. Dub wipes out sub for FMAB

Cruel Sun

You can just watch the dub with subtitles, I don't see how that would be an issue CONSIDERING the fact that the dub clears the sub lol

Reilly Keith

Dub is best for this one

Thicc Thanos

Your audience here on Patreon skews heavily sub watchers but I’d say most of the general audience on YouTube for example prefer the dub. The fact that this poll is close in a sub heavy demographic says a lottt about how good the dub is. Dub is the most popular version. And for this show it’s fantastic and a lot would say the superior version. Better quality show with the dub and better numbers. It’s a win-win

Elisa Kallai

Sub, it's hard to understand the anime when you guys are speaking and vice versa


Dub is just never the answer😂




do whichever one yall want...but I would pick sub over dub any day! I just feel like the emotions and consistency of Japanese voice actors are unmatched!


An intense race to be sure, may the best win. (Dub my bois PLEASE)

Pulse rifles suck in pve

I think most reactors opt for dub on this one and it's the only one I actually prefer dub for


there are objective downsides to the dub, meanwhile the downsides for sub are just peoples preference, the obvious choice is sub because the viewer experience is just objectively better.


Sub gang let's go


My first time watching was in dub, second time was in sub. Still prefer sub

Garrett Cornelison

Imo, if the dub is good then go with it. Easier than reading subtitles. FMAB dub is great, very similar to naruto dub in terms of quality. Would recommend.


there's no reason to believe their enjoyment would be heightened by dub especially considering Brig was the only one of them that was even neutral on it after the episode


FMAB is regarded as having 1 of the best dubs ever... how is it losing

keyton bush

Yeah but as others have said you can’t really do live commentary with a dub bc you wouldn’t be able to hear it. With a sub you can read while making commentary.


This is pretty disingenuous, the sub is good


Dub is acutely pretty decent and i prefer dub over sub for this show only.

mati wortmann

in Japan people literally got to school for voice acting, even if the dub is "good" it will never be better than watching it in sub with the orignal voices.

keyton bush

I think the dub is really good, but the sub is also good. And fwiw, most reactions to FMAB are to the dub. It will be nice having one do the sub for once.


Come on guys, if they are to watch 1 dub, it has to be this one

Thicc Thanos

Lots of “sub no matter what” people on here. The fact that dub is contested and even losing is so messed up.


This is literally the only show where dub is better come on y’all vote dub


Ive watched both and still prefer the sub, sooooo yeah


I don't actually prefer this dub and do prefer dub for some anime.


im a sub watcher and this is the only anime i watched in dub so i dont really care either way. but i just wanted to let yall know that this is the anime with the best dub so if yall are not impressed by this dub or just dont want to watch it in dub there literally wont be another anime out there worth watching for its dub. just throwing it out there. edit: ghost stories doesnt count lol


I don't care which one they do as long as they react to the dub bloopers at the end of the series ✨🤌

Jayden Tarbet

You also need to consider that it’s hard to hear what they are saying in dub because both the reaction and the show will be in English. The subtitles are important so we can tell what’s going on in the show.


For next time, I feel like watching the same ep in dub and sub is a better comparison. Like rewatching ep 1 in dub before going into ep 2. But maybe thats just me


I don't even really get why it's such a big deal for the dub people. I'd understand for something like Kaguya sama where the dub is a whole different experience but here it's literally just what language they speak and how things are translated. The sub is just a better viewer experience so I'd be pretty annoyed if dub was picked even though dub is how I watched this for the first time


The first time I watched FMAB was in sub but I'll give the dub some credit it is definitely up there with the best of all time. However I would still say the sub is better. I probably wouldn't mind either way but the sub undoubtedly makes for a better viewing experience for us, the viewers.


kaguya sama? Literally one of the only dubs that you have to watch even if you've already seen the sub because it's actually an entirely different experience

Elijah Tatum

sub obviously, thats why i like your reactions i can enjoy the show instead of like so many creators that just watch dub. got sick of watching so many dubbed naruto reactions lol just ruins the show


sub is better!


at least we can all agree that Bradleys Dub is one of the best ever


dont even what this shit but i will vote for sub in any poll to contribute to the cause that some day westerns and mainly native english speakers will let go of their dependence over a voice over for their own language. Lets respect the original product. foreign productions should be consumed on their native language. every dubbed word is contributing for alienation and promoting ethnocentrism.

Javier V2221

I just feel that every show should be experienced in it’s native tongue first. That’s how intended and directed to be watched. So Japanese Dub gets my vote

Michael H

One of only like 5 shows that absolutely should be watched in dub


I prefer the original language so I'll go with subs. What I'll say wont help because this is just base on myself but the reason why I prefer subs is because most often, once japanese language is translated in english, some of the dialogues got lost in translation. By the way, I learned japanese by watching anime 😁


Sub definitely gets my vote! As a lot of people already have mentioned it takes away from the experience when it’s dub and you are making comments. Especially if English isn’t your first language so you have to concentrate on both at the same time. For sub I can just not look at the text and listen to what you’re saying instead.


sub all the way


I've watched hundreds of anime and usually prefer the subbed version. However, both FMAB and Cowboy Bebop are the only anime I've enjoyed in dub. I disliked AOT's dubbed voice acting except for Erwin. I first watched the entirety of both FMA 2003 and FMAB subbed, but later on, I watched them in dub, and in my opinion, the dialogue and voice acting in the dubbed version is just fantastic. Unfortunately, I can't really give examples of the dialogue due to spoilers... For FMAB, some people form a negative opinion of the dubbed version without experiencing the entire series in its dubbed form. I understand that it can be disconcerting to hear English voices when you're accustomed to the subbed version. Often, people watch just one dubbed episode or haven't watched a single episode at all and then compare it to the entire subtitled version they've seen, which, imo, is unfair. But eh, watch what you like.

Mysterious Figure

Sub is better in every way. Some characters are pretty annoying in dub like the MAIN CHARACTER. JP VAs are just too good. Especially Mustang and one of his iconic scenes in the show which the dub just doesn't hit as well IMO.

Cruel Sun

Subtitles exist outside anime, they can put the subtitles on the screen


Fmab pretty much the only anime I actively prefer in dub


Sub 100%, just because it's the original language and not a voice over lol

Watch One Piece

If the anime is only supposed to be watched in its original language then why dub at all? The original language is for the audience who speaks Japanese. People only watch with subtitles because the dubs are generally so far beneath the original. In this case, and a few others, the dub is very good so there is no reason to watch in a language you don't understand. You will get a lot more views on YouTube if you watch the show English dubbed. A lot of people are saying sub because you guys don't turn on subtitles when you watch in dub. As a reaction channel, even if you are watching a show in English, you should still turn on subtitles so we can follow the show when you speak and when you lower volume to avoid copyright on YouTube. PS: my first language isn't English, but I still watch this show and a few others, like Code Geass, in dub because I can understand English and the dubs are close in quality to the original or better.


10/10 dub


yeah sorry to people who love the dub but I just don't get the hype with this one. Imo Cowboy Bebop is the only dub I've seen that's a must-watch

Watch One Piece

Get out of the California bubble and realize that its not just native English people who watch dubbed anime. Just like people from other countries watch Hollywood movies dubbed in a language they can understand, so too do people from all over the world watch anime dubbed in a language they can understand. Respect that not everyone speaks English or Japanese, there is a reason dubbing exists and it's so people who don't speak the original language can still enjoy the show. People only tolerate watching with subs because the dubs are usually trash.


Always, always SUB. Never a DUB version will be better than the original. And I'm not talking only about anime. Movies, shows, anything, always the original.

Ben Martineau

Definitely going to say dub for this one. Sub and dub are both phenomenal for this one so I think it would be good to watch it in dub just so you can see what a well done dub looks like. And because I have adhd so subbed is hard unless I’m fully paying attention which I’m not since this is a rewatch LOL


Exactly they didn't get to hear Lust and Gluttony in English.

Ben Martineau

It’s also hard to read what’s going on cause it’s a little screen, so it’s a lose lose on the understanding front


The dub has so much love and attention in it, so many of the VAs work really well and none are 'bad'.

mati wortmann

its always the same people dubbing, and its always so flat imo. I dont know wether they are or not, but sub is definitly more passionate and accurate in relation of what you are seeing.


This is just a dumb take. It’s this kinda attitude that makes people hate anime as a category.


That doesn’t make sense tho. If you lose meaning in translation, it’s lost whether it’s subbed or dubbed.


It’s not ethnocentric to want to hear something that you understand. It’s dubbed in like a dozen languages. This is just a dumbass take.


There are only a few anime where i would watch dub and its Fullmetal Brotherhood, bdz, and Death Note.


You realize that the English actors are trained professionally too right?


This attitude is why people think anime is cringey


That's why i said "it's just base on myself" some of the words in japanese language is translated differently in english and sometimes, what they're saying in english is very different in japanese. It does not affect the whole story but some sequence/scenes gives off different feelings if said in different language. Again it's just my personal preference since i can understand japanese.


Sorry😭 I just think dub is cringey🤣 it dosent have close to the same emotion to sub and if you are a sub watcher why would u watch something that is not the original and how it’s supposed to be portrayed🤷🏾‍♂️


Fair enough for you, but for them / everyone else that’s not relevant.


Yep of course. Because every person has different preferences. And it's not like im imposing them to watch it in what I prefer tho. They can watch it however they want. Im just saying why I like the original language.


If it wasn’t supposed to be portrayed that way, they wouldn’t make the dub to begin with. This weird attitude about “it’s supposed to be this way! Only the Japanese actors can read these lines over a cartoon!” is why everyone cringes at people who watch anime.

Watch One Piece

Adding a few more that are better in dub: Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo. Naruto and Bleach dubs are about even with the subs.


Jayden, if people can't tell what's going on in the show that means they need to go watch it themselves first. No one should ever be watching a reaction to something they haven't seen so that point makes no sense.


This makes no sense. The dub us good, the sub is great. Both are fine. But the original voice actors and emotions put behind it are also amazing. No reason to watch a language you don't understand? So you're also watching Narcos in English for example? Reading subtitles isn't a big deal at all. I hope they don't go off of views and go off of their preference. If you start catering for views instead of enjoyment a lot of the the current vibe would go to waste imo

keyton bush

Bebop dub is essential. Steve Blum and Beau Billingslea really carry the show.


Of all of the shows to watch in dub, it would be this one. The main reason I usually choose to watch sub over dub, which is the vast majority of the time, is both because the quality of the dub is subpar with tone and inflection often being over or awkwardly emphasized and because of the dialog failing in the same way. There are many reasons for why these issues occur, voice actor and especially director choices but also because of dialog changes that will be made throughout so that the charactor lines will match the animation that was intented to sync with Japanese dialog. It's why the subtitles very rarely match the dub and it so often messes with the cadence and flow of the show's conversations. So many phrases that just sound unnatural. You can also hear it at times when the voice actor drags out a word or syllable. It gets to a point where I simply cannot stop my brain from critiquing the writing choices and then it just takes away from the immersion of the show. Having said all that, FMAB does an incredible job at alleviating these difficulties. I wish I knew more about anime production so I could speak more as to how they were able to translate FMAB over so well, and I will admit there are a few moments that may remind you that is not the original, but there is a reason why this show is by far the most referenced anime dub to date. And I say that without exageration. I try to avoid putting down the efforts of English voice actors of other anime, but truly the VAs for FMAB really carried their passion into the show and did an incredible job at bringing out the personality in their respective characters. Also not to say that the Japanese VAs didn't do an amazing job as well, but also consider that FMAB aired on Adult Swim in English. It's easy to imagine how people that grew up with little access to anime would become attached to the English voices of these charactors. And speaking to those pointing out the benefit of having subs from a reaction channel perspective, there's no reason the show can't be watched in dub with subtitles too. I think I've said more than I might have intented, but all this is to say, I would be very grateful if you were to choose to watch the dub for FMAB. Edit: Also if you like Mustang in Dub, he continues being awesome.


Definitely sub. Ed is voiced by the same voice actress as Hange from AoT!


False equivalency. Live action dubs are bad because lip sync is always off & it doesn't look or sound right. Animated dub syncs the voice acting to action perfectly because dub or original language has to go through the same dubbing process.


Bro I'm not watching some love show especially an anime love show I'm good


At least a few people, but I'll choose to believe that even just seeing it does more than, "sub always better," lol.


As someone that would recommend 95% of anime in this, this is the one you have to watch dubbed.


This poll isn’t going to decide anything so there’s no point of telling them to watch it in dub cause their preference is sub (my preference as well) which they’re going to watch it in. Plus if anything, most votes are on the sub anyways.


How about you get someone to anonymously poll this cause dub does better for views, check youtube, the stats don't lie. People hate vote sub without having watched the show.


It’s got nothing to do with better views it’s just preference. Also, there’s people who watched it in both sub/dub and came to like the the sub more. I personally am a sub person on everything because I like to stick to it’s originals.

Michael S

There are only a couple anime i prefer dub and this is the top one personally. The VA's do a way better job bringing the talent imo

Nick K

You can prefer a cover song all you want but there will always be something more special about the original. Just more involvement and direction from the people behind it's creation, and the same goes for dubs. It's great that people enjoy the dub of this show (and others) because it widens the audience and lowers the barrier to entry, but sub will give you the truest experience and that's fact over opinion.

Bryce Jones

Wow! I'm super surprised to see that subbed is winning. This is legit one of a handful of anime's that actually is much better dubbed. The English voice acting is spectacular and fits each character perfectly. Majority rules but man, dubbed is the way to go with this anime in particular.


Enjoying your reactions so far! I prefer Sub over Dub but it's pretty interchangeable for me personally. Both are great, just do what ya want imo.


@blabber90 Yeah I originally watched this dubbed but after watching it subbed, like the sub more. I think everyone besides Edward is better in the sub. Edward is about equal to me.


Sub, it better capture's Edward's immaturity. >inb4 sam comes here to whine


🤔 Why is it surprising to see the sub winning? I mean out of the two options given, people will usually prefer one over the other and there's just bound to be the lesser preference, which based on this poll clearly the majority prefers/likes it better in sub over the dub disagreeing with you, myself included.

Bryce Jones

it's surprising because FMAB is known to have one of the best dubs in anime, even better than the subbed version in many communities. It's known that the dubbed has largely been more preferred when it comes to this anime which is very rare. So that tells you how great the voice acting was this time around.


Yea...I keep seeing that mentioned repeatedly but nahs it really just comes down to individual's preference. Like the FMAB dub can be considered better than other animes dub and no matter how good it's known to be, there are those who doesn't agree and prefers/likes it in sub more. I have nothing against dub but I can't agree with you and others saying how the American VA is great or better. I like it in Japanese VA more, to me the Japanese VA sounds better more natural which is my preference.


Do not forget that a lot of persons from your community are not native english speakers so they don't really care about the dub


The dumb take is to be dependant of english voices for everything.


Reading or listening to English doesn't really make much of a difference then does it..


Bro really wasted ult on a losing fight

jordan solomon

how sub is winning is a mystery because up until episode 2 most people wanted dub and now that there’s 1 episode out in dub suddenly everyone’s wanting sub🫣🫣🫣

jordan solomon

ed is far more mature than immature later on as the series progresses so if you’re only praising the sub for capturing ed’s immaturity….that’s not the greatest backing imo🤷🏼‍♀️

jordan solomon

i also lowkey feel like this poll is gonna show some bias. you’re definitely gonna have some people who just refuse any dub out there regardless of talent and vote sub out of spite. why people care that much? im not sure lol. i just want fair chances


Sub is better for getting an international audience. I read somewhere that the reason why LM reactions are getting so many viewers is that they've started gaining a fanbase in Japan; I'm always getting social media feeds from Japan in YT replaying LM reactions. Also, Isayama said in an interview that he enjoys watching reactions to his AoT work, which I'm guessing he prefers sub in anime.

o k

Sub is better, it's not even a debate.

jordan solomon

that’s the great thing about opinions!! everyone’s got one and every ones right!!!!

Alex Ifill

No no you need to do dub, if you watch any reactor on YouTube found FMAB they all do it dub


I originally watched it in sub, but later rewatched with a friend in dub as they were not a huge anime fan. The dub is fine but sub is still the better option imo. You seem to assume a lot from people even though you know nothing of them.


I doubt it as a mystery. People just prefers the sub over dub simple as that.


What kind of nonsense is this…So…? Just cause other reactors are watching in dub we all need to watch it in dub? Bruh, it’s a matter of preference just like how you like it in dub there are those who likes it in sub more.

Alex Ramirez

It's a debate, the English voice actors put more soul into their performance for this show and a whole lot of their voices fit way better than the subs. Sub elitists just can't accept that and use the same mediocre points.

Nick K

When is there ever a redub of something that would be more authentic than the original? Even if a majority of people liked a redub of something over the original, it still would not change that the original audio is the truest experience. Like I said, regardless of anyone's opinion, the original will always be the most authentic. Even if I enjoyed a dub of a particular thing more, that does not change.

Nick K

It is fair chances, that's why they made a poll. The dub enthusiasts are just more vocal in the comments (nothing wrong with that), so they made a poll to get a more accurate read on what people like. Only a fraction of their viewers comment. This post has 100+ comments, a good amount of which are the same people, meanwhile as of this time the poll has almost 1,000 votes.

jordan solomon

i just feel like most of the people voting sub dont even know what the dub sounds like for most of the characters so it’s an unfair comparison

Leon Sims

foreal the Sub is not comparable to the Dub. for this show Dub is much better, statistically as well.

Leon Sims

the sub is not that good compared to the dub lol. clear as day even if you don't like dub

jordan solomon

that’s what my bf says lol!!! i don’t think the sub if bad but i definitely think the dub is WAY better

jordan solomon

this is kinda biased tho. and saying ‘never will’ is also dumb. you have zero clue of what’s to come so there very well could be a dub better than the original 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s also all opinions

jordan solomon

people like you are the reason this poll is bias and already tossed out the window.


I've tried watching FMAB in dub for the first time, and I did not find it extraordinarily better than the subs.

killezio3 killezio3

Not only are the dub VAs very good here, but the lines are better said. I've watched both versions and honestly the SUB's translation is not as well written as the DUB's lines.


why do dub watchers have to come up with 10 different excuses and conspiracies on why it is actually more popular despite losing the poll?


I think you missed the point. Ed takes on a very mature role, but is still a little kid. The sub better captures that. The dub he just sounds like an adult man the whole time.

jordan solomon

sub watchers would do the same thing if it was the other way around. and i’ve stated before that i like the sub, just prefer the dub. im just glad the geks are finally watching the show in general.

Diamantes 💎💎🇲🇽

Ghost stories dubbed >. And it’s not even close. Also ur analogy of a cover not being as special is its original is just wrong. Sure the original is more “special” whatever that means, it’s still doesn’t make it better. For example, Jacquees, covers other artists songs and some of those covers are better than the originals I.e. Persian rugs & body party

Diamantes 💎💎🇲🇽

Bruh some of y’all people voting for sub just because it’s the original is kinda a dumb reason. Dub clears > for this anime. If a cover of song is better than the original than the cover should be chosen over the dub. I’m not saying u can’t chose sub, my argument is it should not be chosen over dub. If u prefer the original that’s cool for u but don’t have others listen to something that’s inferior to the cover just because u like originals even though it isn’t better. This analogy applies to full metal dub, thank u One last thing, if sub wins I won’t be salty but The Rising of the Sheild Hero is a must in dub. I will die on the grave.

Nick K

Again, not saying that a cover or dub can't be good, or that people can't find them to be better, but it's inarguably not being done with the same direction as the original. Something is inherently lost, even if you argue that the new direction helps it gain something else.


I think the dub is ok, it is good for nostalgia sake, but I think there is so much context lost in dub. Sub is clearer in a lot more of the intricacies of the transmutation.


Sub is much better, i love the raw emotion


This is probably one of the best English dubs for anime... I still voted for the sub though XD

Kyosuke Kagami

proud of the results tbh, gen z might just be headed in the right direction after all :)

Music is Heart

Do dub pleassseeeee, trust

Ben Burke

can’t lie won’t lie, not watching any of FMAB if it’s not dub.


I watch both sub and dub pretty much equally. Especially for the shows that I can't wait to for the dub to catch up, I just binge the sub, then go back and watch the dub later; but i don't have a problem with people enjoying whichever version of a show. If you prefer sub, then watch it. If you prefer dub, then watch it. That being said, there are some shows that I prefer the dub because the voice acting is just THAT good. FMAB is one of those. Gotta be dub all the way for this one.


This was my favorite anime before Haikyuu, but Sub isn't gonna be worth rewatching for me.


Let them watch how they want to watch it in. It’s just a matter of preference. I got nothing against dub nor am I what some call it as ‘ sub elitists’, I prefer it in sub because after watching it I liked it better over the dub. So no matter how many are saying dub is ‘better’ or known to be ‘great’ I disagree.


@DarlingDiamantes It’s not about being right or wrong. I’m not a sub elitists but I just liked it in sub over the dub better, that’s what my ears liked better in.


You can argue all you want about the two... its personal preference at the end of the day. Yes the dub is good and better than 95% of dubs out there, is it better than the sub? not at all in my opinion and yes i have seen both fully all the way through. They like sub just let them do what is more comfortable/enjoyable for them and itll be a better experience than forcing a different direction. Plus it is nice to have variation with a reaction channel watching sub, as most channels accommodate the louder dub enjoyers in the comments, therefore there are not as many sub reactions to fmab specifically.


I personally tend to stick to originals because it just sounds better to my ears. Got nothing against dub, it’s like how you think dub sounds better, to me sub just sounds better, simple.


sub suck ass. only anime w here dub is better is cowboy bebop

ABC (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-21 18:35:56 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯
2023-09-19 22:10:57 Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯

Big brain idea is to watch English dub with subtitles. That way you satisfy both the dub enjoyers and the people who want to read text on a screen. Win Win 🤯


Sub all the way. Even though english dub is good, the original is the.. original. And speaking of japanese dub, they're always the best at this stuff.


yeah, reading text on the screen, not the objectively better voice acting and different subtitles than what is being said in dub

Morgan Potter

Im my opinion I honestly think both are good for this show! I selfishly like watching you guys react to dub just to I can listen without having to read subtitles but if you're looking for which is the BEST of the two, then sub 😊

Devon Gilliam

This is one of the few anime that has a very good dub. There’s plenty of other anime out there that the dub is awful so imo they should at least watch the ones that have good dubs in english.

Elle B.

Laura Bailey’s voicework in ep 19 is god tier and anyone who thinks different is lying to themselves. Dub all the way!


Also its not just about what sounds better. Its also what the characters actually say. And the original is, well, the original and exactly the words the characters were intended to say, which in my eyes wins out even if it sounds slightly worse which isn't even the case here necessarily.

Katrina Stalter

I prefer dub on all animes!!! It's a pain trying to watch a show in another language and struggling to read the subtitles while also trying to pay attention to the show itself!! It's sooo annoying!!

Katrina Stalter

What!?!?!? WDYM Dubs are usually trash!?!?!? I think all the dubs I have seen so far are great!!! I have not come across a single dub that was and I quote "trash." Idk why people even say that, I mean honestly what exactly even constitutes for a trashy dub? or how exactly do people make the comparison on what counts or doesn't count as crap in terms of a dub? Like I said I honestly see absolutely nothing wrong with any dubs I have seen, and I actually prefer the dub versions of anime. Some of the Dubbed Animes I have Seen so far: Black Butler Fairytale Edens Zero Hunter x Hunter Sword Art Online Vampire Knight No.6 Sasaki to Miyano Given Cardcaptor Sakura Naruto FullMetal Alchemist Elemental Gelade Fushigi Yugi Kyo Kara Moah Wisemans Child The Lost Song Hitorijime No Hero The Familiar of Zero Yugioh Pokemon Digimon