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Such a solid show







Let’s goo




Such an elite show in every aspect

Ritz Tan

We are cooking on all cylinders rn

jason 𒉭

let’s goooo


love the variety of content you have been giving!! this show is such a fun watch with you guys :)


I want to watch this so bad but I'm at work and if its anything like the first episode... welll 😂😂 I'll just wait till I get home 🤭

Ritz Tan

I really miss this feeling of early GoT where even “minor” houses had their own agendas and could make an impact on the larger plot. We cooking.

Seth Aasland

YESSSS!! this episode is one of my favorites because we get more action from Daemon’s dragon Caraxes, aka the “Blood Wyrm” my favorite dragon of this series!

Reilly Keith

I’m so ready for Aemond

Reilly Keith

The final moments of the season are the best

jason 𒉭

next ep🔥


I cannot bear the wait for the next one! lol this series is so amazing


Looking forward to these reactions!


I want the next episode so bad 😭 lol


I couldn’t wait for your guys post so I ended up re-watching the entire season on my own again. Looking forward to those crazy later episodes


Love these episodes!


start a gofundme page to buy a Jack a Mic

Mysterious Figure

They arent lacking the funds. There is support from subs on youtube and patrons here. It's pretty unprofessional and it's past the point of it being a funny meme. Plenty of people have asked this so many times already, and the response has really always been something funny while completely ignoring the actual legitimate problem. At this point the viewers can rightly ask why is Jack even there when we can't hear what he is saying most of the time?

Alejandro Garcia

Petition to collect signatures to make jack get a mic

Mysterious Figure

Brig, I see you've been hitting Fort Briggs workout routines in the gym? Or have you been digging circles under the whole country of Amestris? Those arms suddenly look bigger than before


Oh I’m enjoying this way more than I expected 🔥🔥 I need more


Brig, the knight of the Kingsguard that looks familiar is from The Witcher, The Hobbit, and Lucifer.

Seth Aasland

same 😭😭 A Song of Ice and Fire is such an amazing universe and when i saw that they were dipping into it i was hooked from the get-go


This show is good but its missing something that GOT has. Hope yall watch GOT at some point because that show is really something special.

Seth Aasland

the sounds that caraxes makes are so unique compared to the other dragons i love it. makes him more menacing and terrifying. plus his appearance is also scarier than the others


I watched this series until like episode 9 by myself a year or two ago and left it there. Enjoying it way more with you guys. Can't wait for when you're done with this and get to game of thrones, this show is great but GOT is another level

Mysterious Figure

GRR Martin has said in interviews that he likes to show that when his characters make stupid decisions they WILL suffer big consequences. King's decision to marry Alicent against the best interest of the realm, despite being advised to marry the 12 year old Laena Velaryon by several of his advisors and his inner circle is basically the stupidest decision he could have made. It's what's kick started the plot of the whole HOTD tv show. So the king is basically responsible for everything thats coming.


These reactions to hotd are ass everybody’s talking over the dialogue nobody knows what’s going on and you haven’t watched GOT so you don’t understand the plot


I'm actually enjoying this too much man LMAO Any plans on releasing 2 eps a week?

Eren Jeager

They should watch mr robot


I’m hoping they do tbh lol especially with how much they love it already


The difference between Rings of Power & HOTD is that this show adapts strong source material. HOTD works because Fire & Blood was a carefully crafted history of house Targaryen, while ROP writers were attempting to fill in the gaps of Middle Earth histories, loosely based on the appendices of the LOTR, so it’s closer to fan fiction than anything else unfortunately. Perfect examples of how to and how not to expand on an existing IP imo


The people who did this said they tried to make it sound like he had a deviated septum. I love the attention to detail in this show.

Cannon Andrus

Have you seen when I replied to you about this? Sometimes jack says things that he doesn’t want the audience to hear. Getting him a mic wouldn’t do anything cause he either wouldn’t mumble as much to me or wouldn’t at all. He’s just a quieter person in nature

Seth Aasland

yeah caraxes has physical differences that set him aside from the others, like the smaller wings on his legs for example. those wings give caraxes more maneuverability while flying. plus caraxes has a longer body too




But Jack's murmurs also hinder us from hearing what the others are saying. With another mic you will get better sound quality. The Normies have a mic for your each reactor.


So excited for this series!!! Don’t be shy about dropping these lol


I'm loving these. Keep them coming! My only dislike of this video is that it released when I was at work and I had to wait to watch it lol


This. Fire and Blood is a great book and it helps that GRR Martin is involved in making this show.


I love that y’all are watching this, GoT is so peak

A_Daddy Daichi

It’s quite okay to watch HOTD first. No big deal. Watching GoT after will still be a cool experience knowing what happens in HOTD. Chill

alexis ♡︎

if otto has 0 haters then i’m dead


soundtrack appreciation comment , the music in this show is pure gold


They skip the intro? That's a sin. Send them to the 7 hells.🤣


I completely forgot about how the intro changes throughout the show! They should watch it!


Bro the story of Sauron and Numenor is so sick, the show sucked because of talentless writers. A talented writer could make something better than LOTR with it


GOT spoils the end of HOTD anyways so in a sense it isn’t a bad idea to watch HOTD first


??? HOTD is a prequel for a reason you can absolutely watch it before GOT. it’s also okay to ask questions this franchise has a lot of lore and it can be very confusing especially with names. i’ve read the books and watched both series and i still have questions lol. if you wanna watch it with no dialogue then watch it on your own. that’s kinda the whole point of a reaction video.


interesting! i always blamed alicent but never really thought about viserys as the catalyst until now. kinda makes you ask yourself if he married laena would house targaryen still be standing? that’s what i love about his franchise there’s an infinite amount of possibilities and what if’s.


i think HOTD is way more better and entertaining. GOT is too slow paced for my liking. i still finished the whole series tho.


I dread axe-kun on my weekly shonens but fuck fmab there is so many better shows


You here to watch a reaction, or just watch the show? lol

Thicc Thanos

Otta stans unite!!!

Lux Omnia Vincit

I came back here as soon as I saw Ep1 in Youtube.... I've been begging for them to react to this since last year :D


I pray to the old gods and the new gods that they drop ep 3 today Or this weekend

Thomas Andrè Henriksen

There are so much back-story for westeros and pre-history for the universe. Getting to know that, spoiler-free of course, would enhance your viewing-experience. I know you already are into this show, just saying it's is even more there for the taking.


Then you are one of the reasons why we are doing it 😈 it’s been so good!


Unfortunately…..we are on a vacation right now and episode 3 hasn’t been filmed yet😭 but trust it will be filmed ASAP next week!


Damn 😭😭 well enjoy your guys vacation definitely looking forward to next week

alexis ♡︎

does this mean no hxh this weekend? regardless, i hope you guys enjoy yourselves you deserve it!!

Michaela Igl

Where are the hunter hunter episodes 😭💜

Gam Mac

Not rushing you guys or anything but some reactors have watched HotD at the same time as GoT 😅😅

Thicc Thanos

We need a mic inside the cushion. So we can hear Jack’s farts.

Gam Mac

I'll pray to the Lord of Light, Death and the Drowned God that they release 2 eps next week 🤣🤣

Brig Andrus

Commander Armstrong has me going through a hellish workout routine 😭

Andrew Lynch

People like this aren’t worth the time my man you guys keep doing you. I’ve been seeing a few negative comments but these are some of my fav hotd reactions I’ve seen so far

Mysterious Figure

@Cannon Andrus That thing where Jack doesn't want the audience to hear something happens like 5% of the time and then he will whisper stuff into your ear anyway, mic or no mic. Remember how many people suggested Jack could sit in the middle of the couch but you guys have been stubborn about that too... Your channel is close to 200k on youtube. You aren't some smalltime channel anymore. Having one mic for 5 people is just poor sound quality. Even Brig sound levels are low since he is on the edge of the couch. It would go a long way for you guys to up the sound quality on your channel overall. Some random youtube viewer stumbling onto your videos not being able to hear what Jack is saying isnt going to know that he doesnt want to be heard (not to mention this reasoning is ridiculous in the first place)... they will think that your sound quality is just not good. Thats a fact. And you shouldnt be trying to make excuses around it but just make it better. I don't understand why this is even something difficult to understand. It will make your channel BETTER. Dont you all want that?


Came here right after the first episode was on YouTube. Been wanting to follow you guys more closely for a time, then you pick up my favorite show?! Instant choice. Can't wait for more and can't wait for season 2 too.

Thicc Thanos

No I am not bro. Explain this Otto stan edit if I am the only stan https://streamable.com/4cxw7r


Look there’s nothing wrong with having an opinion or feelings about something but at the end of the day this is their channel, they are operating it however works for them - as they should!!! They’ve been so polite about addressing this despite your comments bordering on rude at this point. One mic works just fine it’s really not something to get so upset over! The reactions are great and they’re uploaded so frequently, its silly to nitpick and complain about something so small


Subscribed after watching the first episode on Youtube, can't wait for this ride!


GoT had the starks that's all we're missing. But don't worry they're coming soon 😂😩


Sheesh Jack himself said he doesn't want a mic. It's not that deep. Chillax


Fr I watched it all in like 4 days it's so good ik they'd all love it for different reasons


Hey guys!!! I really hope you see this comment because I love Lord of the Rings too!!!! There is another show that is also a prequel to LOTR, it’s called RINGS OF POWER. I was watching it back to back with House of Dragon when it was released. Every week was insane to watch two epic shows together. I know you guys will be excited to see that. 😄😁

Dana Sow

I'm not into animations or anime but had to subscribe after seeing the first episode on youtube. I hope you guys do more live action reactions. I would definitely be here for a GOT watch.


game of thrones is literally amazing like you just need to watch

Mat Targaryen (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-02-09 00:31:15 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol
2024-01-30 22:40:54 I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol

I need more House of the Dragon reactions! lol

Dale Cooper

Season 1-3 are great, 4 is okay, 5 okay to bad and the rest are pretty trash. Honestly it's not worth the time to get into it and I'd only say do it if it gets them views. There are so many better series out there live action or animated to watch instead.


4 is literally the perfect season. Most ppl would agree w that too and 5 -7 aren’t that bad it’s worth it ur trippin


I'm glad I could recap this series with thou who shall may since the coming chapter is soon to be


Are you insane? Season 4 is known as the best television


its cookieing...