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Hey all,

I wanted to let everyone here know I'll be absent for a while. Originally it was to say that this coming week is Thanksgiving, but yesterday I had to go to the ER due to some chest sensations I've been having over the past week. The doctors told me it looked like stress, but they wanted to make sure it was nothing heart related because my blood pressure was really high at the time.

I would like to say that I'm okay. I'm not in any danger regarding heart issues at least, but drama on tumblr regarding a friend and I definitely pushed me to this point. And yesterday terrified me, but thanks to the encouragement of some friends I'm going to step away from my usual online spaces so I can take care of myself.

Once again, thank you for all your support here. And be safe ❤️


Rachel Errede

That's so scary! Glad you're taking the time for yourself. ♥️ Hope you feel better soon ♥️♥️

Ivica F

Taking a step away's good. Take some time for yourself, relax, and hopefully you'll feel better soon! <3

Lady Luck

Break time! Time to take a breather, enjoy the holiday, let the freakshow that is tumblr calm the hell down... and figure out what next steps are. Good on you for resting.