Neural network training (Patreon)
I really believe this can work. We train neural networks (i.e. artificial intelligence) by giving it some input and reward it if it is close to the right answer and punish it if it is far from the right answer. I think that an AI system that can train other AI systems can also be made to train humans. At least for some things.
Now for the controversial part. Sex is such an important part, evolutionary, that it isn't unreasonable that anything can be sexualized. Once the brain is trained to associate lace or speedos or coconut oil or sneakers or rubber gloves or whatever with sexy time, then that in itself becomes sexy. There hasn't been much evolutionary pressure to penalize getting a boner at the wrong time.
The other direction is harder. The brain is probably less interested in making sexy things not sexy. Electro-shock therapy physically alters the brain by tearing synapses apart. Other types of more or less torture is probably can perhaps work, but I don't have any solid science to back that up. Hitting your children straight is probably as effective as pray out the gay.
But we can make everyone bi.