Workday (Patreon)
The Christmas holiday was over and we both knew things would be different from now on. While our relationship was deeper than ever, it was also irreversibly altered. He treated me differently. I treated him differently. I wanted everyone else to treat him differently too, if even ever so slightly.
"Sit," I said and he complied immediately, replying "Yes, Sir" as he did. This would have been alien to him just weeks ago. I attacked him from behind, surprising him by pressing the trimmer against his head just fractions after turning it on. There was a slight flinch, but then he sat still while I worked my way around the head. I kept going back for more to keep the line straight and even, and maybe took away more than I had initially intended, but I liked the result. No one who mattered would look at him and feel worse about themselves.
He would have to leave the collar at home, at least while working, but I would now control what else he would be wearing. I thought he should start out as before the holiday and slowly roll out a no button, no zipper policy, starting with shirts. He'll be back at the office wearing T-shirt and sweater. Then slowly over the quarter move towards sweatshirts, hoodies, and maybe sweatpants. Different shoes also, eventually. Would Velcro be a step too far? We'll see when we get there. For right now he needs to clean up the mess I made.