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Hey all, the release of episode 3 is getting closer by the day, there's still work to be done, but it won't be much longer. This will be the final status update for episode 3.

I've been working hard on this final scene for the past few weeks, including the holidays. Episode 3 currently has around 1700+ renders and 60+ animations. As you can probably tell, my pc has been rendering animations non-stop for quite a while now. And there's still more in the queue... In the meantime I'm working on the game's code and things like in-game socials, profiles etc.

Release is still estimated for mid-late January, and I will be making another post next week with the release dates.

Hope you're looking forward to the next episode, and in the meantime have a nice weekend!

~ Quadruple-Q



Thank you so much for this update!! Couldn't be more excited than this <333