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Hey guys!

I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday season!

First off, I want to apologize for the lack of activity these past few days. I haven’t been able to sit in front of my computer, not even to chat with you. This end-of-year period has been super busy, and I ended up with some unexpected visits, which made it impossible for me to work on the animation.

So yes... it’s going to be delayed. I had planned for it to be a shorter project to avoid this, but unfortunately, it happened.

On the bright side, I’ve managed to get ahead on my "real-life job" projects to free up January. This means I’ll be fully focused on Patreon and bringing you all some hot content throughout the month. That part, I can guarantee, went as planned!

As for the end-of-year animation, there’s not much left to finish. I’ll do my best to have it ready this week. I’m aiming for around 2 minutes, with an introduction featuring a few renders and dialogue leading into the action scene and ending.

Thank you all for your amazing support! You’ve made my year-end truly incredible!

Happy holidays, everyone! 🎉



Don't be sorry! Real life matters more and we understand how stuff can stop progress. Take the time you need for the animation and I wish you a great 2025!

Carlos Cabrera

Such a shame to hear is delayed but wishing a happy new year to you and a lot of inspiration and new subscribers for you and this channel to grow. Happy new years red!!!! :D


No worries man, Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!


We getting our first teaser for Part 3 this month Red? 👀


I don't have anything to confirm yet. I'll keep you informed about any updates. (•ө•)♡