This weeks youtube upload was just a compilation of all my holiday covers, but I felt this would be a cool thing to offer folks! (nearly) one whole hour of uninterrupted holiday covers! perfect to throw on at a party, or while celebrating whatever your traditions are!
And I do wanna say, a big thank you! I know i say thank you a ton... but christmas marks EIGHT YEARS of being a youtuber, content creator, and Skatune Network. It's cool that I get to do this thing, and as someone who also unironically enjoys christmas music and has fond memories of this time of year, It feels special knowing that my versions of these songs can be a part of y'alls holiday traditions. And this is all only possible because of y'all... SO A BIG THANK YOU!
As much as I reject the idea of hyper-consumerism, I am 10000% here for taking time to dedicate love to those in your life. I hope y'alls holidays are filled with warm memories with those close to you! HAVE A VERY SKATUNE CHRISTMAS!