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art for my little fairy firegem and her slightly less little magpie bf <3

Magpie man doesn't have a name yet, he's based on an Australian magpie. His internal compass is broken and he can't get off Neverland, he keeps trying but always ends up stuck with these annoying little fairies! Firegem's cool tho she can hang

If you have name suggestions for him.. .pls... give




I really like the name Magnus!! But that might be too on the nose cause he’s a magpie 😭


MAGNUS IS CUTE!! Also Ryden I forgot to tell you but I posted on my YouTube channel troyzworld this garden drawing tutorial where I talked a bit about color and light like you suggested 😁


OMG thank you so much!! I’m running to YouTube right now because the way you do lighting is absolutely stunning ♥️