Status report - Lynette bonus + votepoll soon for Arlecchino body (Patreon)
2024-04-17 16:45:37
Hello everyone ! Its been a busy days lately,the Lynette animations its on advanced stage and will be ready soon,but i have a "bad" news : The Arlecchine file gone due my SSD problem,but nothing too important was lost,in fact the Arlecchino animations was on initial stage so i will make the oportunity for you all to choose what type of body you want to seen for the Arlecchino animation.
I'm afraid its possible to finish the Lynette animation before day 20 but i like the progress i made until now,if i dont have my IRL shitty work its will be ready before weekend.
Thank you for your support,the votepoll will be avaliable soon