✨ Update for 2024 Plans! ✨ (Patreon)
Happy new year everyone!✨ Hope this year will be filled with even more adventure. So Christmas pressure of my full time job is finally over. I can now focus again on token frames. A quick update on what my current plans will be and basically upcoming plans for token frames that i have in mind. 🙂
- First, I will be finishing of course the Bard and all DnD 5e classes.
- Second, (and that will depend on what everyone want first) I will try and focus a bit more on Pathfinder classes, although me personally am not familiar with the system so i'll have to get some aid from all of you about what the classes and such focus on.
- Third, i am also planning on making DnD token frames focused on Monster types and such, ex: Aberrations, Celestials, Fiends, Fey etc etc that will be more suited for monster tokens (Large/Huge to Medium/Small)
- I also have plans for making token frames focused on draconic types and such for our great iconic dragons.
If anyone else have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment 😀